what's going on in Michigan?

more of you lazy ass reps will be gone....we have a new tracking system...if you are not working 9 to 4 say bye now....new spin off will need workers...

Sure. Because getting rid of CL's who know what they're doing is a good way to fight the new competition. Why are the home office people so jealous of the CL's? You people make good money and you're not exactly working your asses off.

Wait till you see the new CRM we will be rolling out..location setting for each call you reps make..or make at home....again this will only help get rid of dead weight..every district has at least two...rumor is trim reps down to 100 by 2016.

Sales force will be cut , spin off time to
get rid of dead weight. If u don't agree
we have slackers look around. Half my
district works 10-2 and goes shopping most
of the day.

Sure, any job is an "easy gig" if you aren't actually doing your work, which by the way, you are paid quite well to do. I suspect the above comment was from some idiot competitor, anyway.

Yes and managers, manager want a be's are not off the radar of scrutiny, so get back to work, all of you slackers. 8 years and counting my ass. We know damn well who was here 8 years ago and who, unfortunately, remains here today. You were a slacker in sheep clothing. We know and we knew.

He's too busy lookin for the next victim he can shove it into the back of, next. Chub cheeks has his nasty on 24/7, with his good ol boy/daddy act out front, foolin no one but himself. Now, its time for a leveling of the playing field, eh lab boy? Karma, ain't it a bitch.

Manipulative scumbag back stabbing belly crawlers come in all packages. Mammas boys chickens will come home to roost soon and the taste of his own venom will spew up his throat.