What's going on in HR?

Rich Kahr has been a huge part of the disfunction at Pacira. He demonstrated sexist, mysoginistic, and racial discrimination. Maybe someone finally pulled the trigger. He drove the best HR person (Leslie Hyman)out with his ageist comments and lack of professioinalism. How this acehole rode it for so long is a mystery.

Rich K. has retired. I've always had good interactions with Rich and Leslie H. was in HR before I started. The prior poster may have had his/her knuckles wrapped by HR at some point, hence the long-running animosity.

Rich K. has retired. I've always had good interactions with Rich and Leslie H. was in HR before I started. The prior poster may have had his/her knuckles wrapped by HR at some point, hence the long-running animosity.

There's a long, long line of people with "long-running animosity" towards Kahr. His lack of handling complaints of sales and management misbehavior is legendary. Legendary bad. In the field we called him, "The Sweeper," because of his propensity to sweep things under the rug.

Pacira will never receive the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award.

Here's a fairy tale, once upon a time an African-American VP of Sales. That didn't last long. DM, PM, and GR's coup pushed him out.

What’s HR? Do we have that department at Pacira? Oh wait…yes, only when we want to push someone out. Definitely not when there is an incident and the real trash needs to be taken out!