What's an EAM?

Dear Sir,

Read about the superbug deaths from Olympus 180 scope. Then read about the almost 1 billion $ fine from the DOJ, then read about the senate judiciary committee reopening an investigation against Olympus and then think long and hard about whether working for Olympus GI is a good idea. Wake up!

Jesus Christ!

Right, but those things happen to all medical companies. Lived through it with other jobs. Don't know a lot about the 180 thing, but when I read that its happened to every single scope company its hard to pit it as an Olympus problem?

I hear its great money, long term positions, and huge market share. Its hard to see whats not to like?

What is the company culture like?

well, where do I start?
Company culture is terrible. Morale is at an all time low if that is even possible. Comp continues to get cut. More responsibility being thrown on you and less pay.

What you described is the way it was a couple years ago. Guys are now making a fraction of that now.
Yes, great market share, but they are 4 years into the 190s and no new technology coming out any time soon. Sure EWAVE was discussed, 2 years ago! With no update. For the next couple years there aren't new scopes in the pipeline. How will you make money? ENDOCUFF?!? Give me a break with that shit

And lastly, most large hospital organizations actually hate Olympus for the way they would bully the hospitals around and make up the prices blind when there wasn't really competition with the scopes.

Right, but those things happen to all medical companies. Lived through it with other jobs. Don't know a lot about the 180 thing, but when I read that its happened to every single scope company its hard to pit it as an Olympus problem?

I hear its great money, long term positions, and huge market share. Its hard to see whats not to like?

What is the company culture like?

Culture is on the path now to being the worst in the industry.