
Another glorious week at Natera. Watching poor management blame reps, reps look for jobs. Feels like Ground Hog Day! Oh yeah, cheerleader! No comment necessary. Work on your role play and kiss more ass!

The sound of bonus money hitting the bank account?

let's see if this gets posted..........net income -5.15m // net profit margin % -3.09 // return on capital % -4.61 // book value / share 1.25.

Whether the cheerleader ( a.k.a "optimistic share-holder ) comes here or not......this is shit and if you are indeed a shareholder only and not an employee.......your ability at picking the right stocks to invest in are as shitty as your selling ability and management skills.

I pictured the resident cheerleader as being a female...now I'm a little upset..

these days what's the difference......california school kids now can choose between 8 different genders when identifying themselves. I think our resident cheerleader, using a quote, " looks like tarzen, walks like jane and smells like cheetah"...........scratching his mangina wondering what life is about.

these days what's the difference......california school kids now can choose between 8 different genders when identifying themselves. I think our resident cheerleader, using a quote, " looks like tarzen, walks like jane and smells like cheetah"...........scratching his mangina wondering what life is about.

Ha! What a visual!

these days what's the difference......california school kids now can choose between 8 different genders when identifying themselves. I think our resident cheerleader, using a quote, " looks like tarzen, walks like jane and smells like cheetah"...........scratching his mangina wondering what life is about.

company cheerleader!!

The best days of Natera are over, simple as that. Especially since Managed Care has caught on to them, reducing their reimbursements to beans, and in some States taking legal action. Told you so.....
let's see if this gets posted..........net income -5.15m // net profit margin % -3.09 // return on capital % -4.61 // book value / share 1.25.

Whether the cheerleader ( a.k.a "optimistic share-holder ) comes here or not......this is shit and if you are indeed a shareholder only and not an employee.......your ability at picking the right stocks to invest in are as shitty as your selling ability and management skills.

The best days of Natera are over, simple as that. Especially since Managed Care has caught on to them, reducing their reimbursements to beans, and in some States taking legal action. Told you so.....

Oh cmon with the legal action talk. Every major medical company has one or two lawsuits in the works right now. Hooray! Hoorah! The best days are in front of us!

and our biggest kool-aid drinker award goes to.......................our company cheerleader !!!!

You guys are so mean! Just because I care about the company, I mean, cmon! Everyone should be positive and optimistic about our future or get off the train because it's moving and chugging right along, with or without you!!