How many start jumping the sinking ship?
As many as possible! This place is now run by amateurs who have NO CLUE how a specialty pharmaceutical product is handled.
I was hopeful for a long time. Not anymore. All the great leaders left (or were packaged) a long time ago. The new regime is terrible. The MO now is self preservation. Sad to see because is was the greatest place a few years ago. Can you imagine how much collective worth has been lost due to the 13 month hold on equity???This has been obvious for quite a while to anyone paying attention. I can't believe a few of my colleagues still talk like there could be a future here, but the number thinking that way is rapidly shrinking. Interviews locked and loaded.
Under water is under water - good luck
True, but compared to the people who were either fired, or let go, or quit, we are very underwater. How's that for equitable treatment. Get canned because you can't do your job, or you are terrible, get vested. Get fired because you did something you weren't supposed to do, get vested. Do your job well and wait for vesting, get a 50% haircut on your stock. Not very palatable.You cannot be underwater with RSUs
Post #13 is not a Malli rep, it is someone in marketing or upper management.
Questcor legacy reps are cry babies that need to leave now. The stock can continue downward and I hope your options are worth ZERO! Your complaining will come back to bite your asses! To funny loser poster # 14 / 15. Just leave our company and find somewhere else to complain and be as useless as you are and have been. Chumps!