What will Flemming do now? Will he go to another pharma? Retire? Canary Islands?

The only good news here is that it is widely recognized that Flemming is an utter failure in business and leadership. He will sink into obscurity, nobody will touch him, and in the CEO scorecard business he will not have made lots of money (more than any of us need though). The bad news is that anyone who hung around to work for this douche will be associated with a losing business and toxic culture.

The only good news here is that it is widely recognized that Flemming is an utter failure in business and leadership. He will sink into obscurity, nobody will touch him, and in the CEO scorecard business he will not have made lots of money (more than any of us need though). The bad news is that anyone who hung around to work for this douche will be associated with a losing business and toxic culture.

“Utter failure” who just sold a company for 62 billion dollars and walks away with an estimated $70 million. While you type on cafepharma in your underwear from your $400,000 home in St. Louis or wherever the hell you are. Yeah he’s an “utter failure” in life. Moron.

Yes Flem is 1 of 3 members of Shire that will be on Board of Directors @ Takeda; which includes a 200% raise in his base salary and a 200% increase in Bonus from 2018.

Flemmung will be remembered for all of the shareholder value he destroyed and his poorly design corporate strategy. No one cares what his take home might be. He is known for being toxic, loathed and irrational. I don’t think he will go anywhere.