Are Conformis's allegations legitimate or baseless? Maybe it would be cheaper to buy them out than get embroiled in a lengthy, embarrassing and potentially costly lawsuit.
Yes. Both costly and embarrassing. I don't see London pulling the trigger on an acquisition though. Ortho/trauma has done nothing the last 5 years. Why would corp. want to invest there? That hasn't been the mode for the last 5 years.
I hope Conformis takes us out behind the shed and beats our ass.
Are Conformis's allegations legitimate or baseless? Maybe it would be cheaper to buy them out than get embroiled in a lengthy, embarrassing and potentially costly lawsuit.
It will be embarrassing when ConforMis shows that Visionarie has been infringing on their patents for 6+ years and they are entitled to a 15% royalty on all knee sales associated with Visionarie over that time period. It will be embarrassing when it comes out that S&N converted doc's that already used S&N knees to Visionarie customers and in the process put even more revenue at risk.
Why would they wait 6+ years to finally try and prove this point??
Why would they wait 6+ years to finally try and prove this point??
You my friend are clueless.This makes Conformis look like a desperate sinking ship..