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What will be the bigger disappointment, Migraine drug or Repatha?


We know Repatha had a $4-5B forecast that kept coming down. It's a $200M drug now that will take time to hit $1B. How bad will this migraine drug disappoint? Amgen will be first but payers will wait for other drug approvals before granting broad access to the lowest bidder in an undifferentiated drug class.


We know Repatha had a $4-5B forecast that kept coming down. It's a $200M drug now that will take time to hit $1B. How bad will this migraine drug disappoint? Amgen will be first but payers will wait for other drug approvals before granting broad access to the lowest bidder in an undifferentiated drug class.

No way it can be worse than Repatha. Total cluster from day 1!

Do you people actually sell for Amgen, if the answer is yes, boy I feel for this company. clearly you know nothing about migraine, the market demographic or the disease around this brand
Based on the data, these are severe migraine sufferers, I promise you, they have already failed everything and most likely sustained on sub-effective meds.

Ever hear the quote "it's better to appear as a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"...

Please shut your traps.

Do you people actually sell for Amgen, if the answer is yes, boy I feel for this company. clearly you know nothing about migraine, the market demographic or the disease around this brand
Based on the data, these are severe migraine sufferers, I promise you, they have already failed everything and most likely sustained on sub-effective meds.

Ever hear the quote "it's better to appear as a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"...

Please shut your traps.

Hey f@ggot - amgen has competition and data is undifferentiated. It will be a race to the bottom with Lilly, teva and Adler.

It's sales for a reason...
God help Amgen with people like you.
Title: Pharmaceutical/Bio-Pharma SALES representative, unless you work for Amgen according this knucklehead. I guess he just gets a paycheck to buy lunches and leave things behind.

It's sales for a reason...
God help Amgen with people like you.
Title: Pharmaceutical/Bio-Pharma SALES representative, unless you work for Amgen according this knucklehead. I guess he just gets a paycheck to buy lunches and leave things behind.

No access, no sales. Amgen is dumb. Look at repatha.

Amgen says the trend would show a greater mortality benefit if the trial was longer. Who decided on trial length? Amgen did and they believed in greater benefits within two years. Now they are trying to spin that the trial wasn't long enough to show benefit.

No access, no sales. Amgen is dumb. Look at repatha.

Amgen says the trend would show a greater mortality benefit if the trial was longer. Who decided on trial length? Amgen did and they believed in greater benefits within two years. Now they are trying to spin that the trial wasn't long enough to show benefit.

Do you people actually sell for Amgen, if the answer is yes, boy I feel for this company. clearly you know nothing about migraine, the market demographic or the disease around this brand
Based on the data, these are severe migraine sufferers, I promise you, they have already failed everything and most likely sustained on sub-effective meds.

Ever hear the quote "it's better to appear as a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"...

Please shut your traps.

Good drug for migraine sufferers. However, greedy Amgen will overprice the shit out of it like they always do. A few less migraine days per month shouldn't equal a $1000 per migraine on our healthcare system. Amgen please price it correct the first time and allow pts to get the med!

Good drug for migraine sufferers. However, greedy Amgen will overprice the shit out of it like they always do. A few less migraine days per month shouldn't equal a $1000 per migraine on our healthcare system. Amgen please price it correct the first time and allow pts to get the med!

Placebo adjusted. It's about 2 less migraine days a month. How much does 2 less migraine days versus a sugar pill be worth?

The health economics group did a complete review for pricing - per migraine reduction per month Broadway Bob will be paid $65.00 Sean SupaR&D gets $48.95 Hooper Dooper gets $37.33 - these after tax values are cascaded across the management team right down to the director level, then grossed up for taxes, retirement benefit, stock options and car allowance. As a result each patient will be carrying a $2943.74 per month charge for management. This is then added to the amortized program research expenses, grossed up for property tax, employee gym/parking/vacations with a built in 380% ROI over the first three years. As a result each patient will be carrying a $7893.11 per month charge for program costs

People I have sold in the migraine area for some time. Once you get past the second abortive you are called a "migrainer" Those people almost never get better until they get older.(females) This group also is ALWAYS looking for something new. Also Botox does not work as a prevention for all suffers. This drug will do well, there is a lot of unmet need.

People I have sold in the migraine area for some time. Once you get past the second abortive you are called a "migrainer" Those people almost never get better until they get older.(females) This group also is ALWAYS looking for something new. Also Botox does not work as a prevention for all suffers. This drug will do well, there is a lot of unmet need.

No shit there is unmet need - that's why Amgen is bringing it
to market. There was also unmet need when we brought Repatha to the market. The question is -
how much will Amgen rape consumers for innovation? They got fucked when they over-priced Repatha and the payors dug their heels and won. Don't fuck up the pricing this time around TO!

There will be too much Amgen inbreeding in this new division. Losers who haven't sold anything in years. Anyone from outside will be poisoned by their garbage attitudes and excuse-culture. Add this to our shitty payer team who will sit back and wait for it to hit the fan like they always do. Get your popcorn ready, this will be like a failure to remember.

There will be too much Amgen inbreeding in this new division. Losers who haven't sold anything in years. Anyone from outside will be poisoned by their garbage attitudes and excuse-culture. Add this to our shitty payer team who will sit back and wait for it to hit the fan like they always do. Get your popcorn ready, this will be like a failure to remember.
Usual Amgen inbreeding + our push to get more women in leadership virtually guarantees a crappy launch. Of course, its failure will be placed squarely on reps shoulders.

Book it.

Let's just tell the truth. Amgen sells drugs that are not reimbursable. What's next a biologic for? Toe nail fungus or Dry cough?

If payers aren't covering a drug that requires at least two generic drugs, then why this one? Access team should let their brand team know they'r being set up for failure, but they already know it.

National and regional access groups are lazy, and at the same time can't do anything to help anyways. Their metrics should be more aligned with sales rather than pretending doing whatever in payers' offices. The people they talk to pretend at health plans and PBMs are people who pretend to care for patients well-being. In reality their job is the preventing utilization and costs.

We profit by ramming drugs down peoples throats, while they deny people medicine they need. They're not really our friends or customers. It's just a messed up system and it isn't Amgen's fault completely.

Our customers in they payer world are pretty good at pretending to be friends with us until they plan formulary and utilization management changes for next year. These access folks need to stop sitting at home during work hours and sell.

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