What was the Most memorable moment for you during your career at Novartis?

Novartis used to be a really fun place to work, even the meetings were fun (if you can believe that). I have been here forever, and loved it until about two years ago. Now,I dread every day. Not the job. The people. Everyone is scared of layoffs, and I've found how truly evil people can be when their jobs are in jeapordy. So, my most memorable moment came recently when I learned one of life's most difficult lessons. Even a friend could sell his soul to keep his job. I'm still stunned by the realization.

There are a lot of people like that in our company, but a friend? Wow..... Well, I may be an easy target because I'm a good person. However, I'm not alone. Karma, my friend... There will be justice in this life and in the next....

Novartis used to be a really fun place to work, even the meetings were fun (if you can believe that). I have been here forever, and loved it until about two years ago. Now,I dread every day. Not the job. The people. Everyone is scared of layoffs, and I've found how truly evil people can be when their jobs are in jeapordy. So, my most memorable moment came recently when I learned one of life's most difficult lessons. Even a friend could sell his soul to keep his job. I'm still stunned by the realization.

There are a lot of people like that in our company, but a friend? Wow..... Well, I may be an easy target because I'm a good person. However, I'm not alone. Karma, my friend... There will be justice in this life and in the next....

So true. There are so many here that feel the same way. It's happening everywhere and it's a shame. If you have to stay employed here for however long, use your words carefully around these so called friends and don't ever stoop to their level, however tempting it may be. Back stabbers live and die by the sword.

My favorite was while launching Xolair...the director at the time brought his little kids to the big "show" and tell...the kids came running down to the stage to hug him...what a show....then he told us that if we hit some sales number (60 million? I cant remember...6 in there somewhere) we would all go to Mexico or somewhere warm and wonderfulll (Mexico sounds kinda awful now) on a cruise with our "families"...I found that hard to believe on many levels...but we kept getting weird emails telling us we were close ect....they fired him and said we missed goal..it came out that we really hit goal (big scandal).....so the company said we could go to downtown LA instead of a cruise to Mexico...and they said we could also have our ntl mtg in LA too! Yippie! They gave us a $500 gift card for our "families" to fly out to downtown LA to join us for our ntl mtg where we had no time to do anything....it had to be the biggest lie ever perpetrated on a sales force...the worst..

So true. There are so many here that feel the same way. It's happening everywhere and it's a shame. If you have to stay employed here for however long, use your words carefully around these so called friends and don't ever stoop to their level, however tempting it may be. Back stabbers live and die by the sword.

Thanks. It was all a lie, but pretty stressful anyway. I could never do it back, but it looks like the karma ball is in motion anyway. The company takes notice when the hotline is abused too much on the same team. I will probably live to see another day, and it will be the same as I have seen in the past. The backstabbers get theirs in the end. The pathetic thing is I will feel really bad about the end result. I could never wish that on anyone.

Good luck to those of us that still have morals. It always works out in the end.

Masters Club Trip to NYC and the 10,000 Grossed Up Check when those things mattered here. Now like most in the club gone from Novartis but the memories of the good times linger.

Toss up between the day I left (computer issues forced my DM to bust his ass closing me out since sample reconciliation was all screwed up, lol!!) and the day I received my big fat check for gender discrimination! Thanks, Novartis!

My favorite was while launching Xolair...the director at the time brought his little kids to the big "show" and tell...the kids came running down to the stage to hug him...what a show....then he told us that if we hit some sales number (60 million? I cant remember...6 in there somewhere) we would all go to Mexico or somewhere warm and wonderfulll (Mexico sounds kinda awful now) on a cruise with our "families"...I found that hard to believe on many levels...but we kept getting weird emails telling us we were close ect....they fired him and said we missed goal..it came out that we really hit goal (big scandal).....so the company said we could go to downtown LA instead of a cruise to Mexico...and they said we could also have our ntl mtg in LA too! Yippie! They gave us a $500 gift card for our "families" to fly out to downtown LA to join us for our ntl mtg where we had no time to do anything....it had to be the biggest lie ever perpetrated on a sales force...the worst..

The best part was after they fired Antony, and Eddie was in charge and announced that we were going to Cabo but a "Cabo Like" meeting, in L.A. . He then had champaign brought in and was booed.

1. Losing all benefits when the merger took place
2. Suffering under 5 inept (and no longer with us) managers
3. Being downsized and getting the lawsuit settlement with enough money to finance my business
4. Finishing the year with 650K, 6X what I earned with Novartis