She was just another strategic hire. I suppose that the all-white, all-male management team had to add a woman, a black, a Latino, and flocks of Asians at lower levels. How else do you outsource 50-75% of your business? Well you have to give the HR dept a lot of credit for keeping high-performing midwestern studs under their hoofs while promoting on a strictly geo-cultural-political basis - I know people, and yeah that's how it happens. You want to sell Cialis to gays, don't put gays in the ads, hire gays who spread the hard truth about Cialis! LOL... you want to sell to Chinese? Promote Chinese who can provide the connections to those communities, likewise with all the ethnic, sexual, social, political groups. Hey Lilly HR, you are real men (and women and well you know.... real men of genius.. here's to you, Mr. keeper-downer)... keep up the good work, but work on the job leveling a bit more ... like getting John down to an M3 level... now that would be REAL GENIUS.