What was discussed on DM video/call?


No lay offs TOMORROW. Eventually people will be out of jobs. The changes in structure happen between April and June. Don't shoot the messenger, I am simply telling you what I know. People will be competing for jobs- where you live and your therapeutic background will factor in to the decision. Will reps have to interview? I don't know. But leadership people will. So, for spec jobs eliminated my understanding is that they will be in the running for the open positions, as well as pcp reps. But as for tomorrow , no one is laid off is what I have heard. In the months to come, some will be offered positions and some will not.

The transformation will be over next few months. Managers will have to interview for new roles. There will be no separate specialty or PCP roles. There will be therapeutic reps that will be filled by the best specialty OR PCP reps. I'm tired of hearing the specialty reps are better reps. There are good and bad in both. Hospital, csc and SAE all will have to interview for new roles. New roles will first be created and posted. Field reps will be eligible to post for those roles. Then in about 3 months, all remaining reps positions will be FILLED based upon business rules. Any rep left over, will get a package.

So what happens in the meantime? Do we continue working in the field doing our daily jobs until we interview?

Is this for real. Yeah working and posting for every job out of this company. This is the most ridiculous plan. So let's just let the reps suffer for months to see if they have a position. Let the little reps claw at each other to win that position. Makes sitting by the phone more humane. Hideous.

This is so ridiculous that it must be true. Why did they hire a new cv team if they are going to have layoffs? Why wouldn't they offer a package or early retirement? So someone with 20 plus years at BI has to interview for their job? Really?

So cancel all our appointments after June 1st?

The transformation will be over next few months. Managers will have to interview for new roles. There will be no separate specialty or PCP roles. There will be therapeutic reps that will be filled by the best specialty OR PCP reps. I'm tired of hearing the specialty reps are better reps. There are good and bad in both. Hospital, csc and SAE all will have to interview for new roles. New roles will first be created and posted. Field reps will be eligible to post for those roles. Then in about 3 months, all remaining reps positions will be FILLED based upon business rules. Any rep left over, will get a package.

What do you think the percentage gone will be when the dust settles?

All of the above is correct but it leaves out that card spec is the exception to this rule. Since they were re organized last year, they remain unchanged.
(Business as usual for them-for the most part)
Resp, resp spec, met, met spec, etc will all be re organized as mentioned above.

All of the above is correct but it leaves out that card spec is the exception to this rule. Since they were re organized last year, they remain unchanged.
(Business as usual for them-for the most part)
Resp, resp spec, met, met spec, etc will all be re organized as mentioned above.

It will be the BI HUNGER GAMES ..... What a great "COLLABORATIVE" working environment. So when sales plummet, who gets the blame????

Hey, ASSHOLE. There are people's jobs at stake here. And you want to crack wise? What, you are untouchable? Nothing can get to you?

FUCK YOU. You fucking cunt. Who the fuck do you think you are?

I hope you die.

You fucking child. You company man.

I'm not defending the original poster here, but I think the point was it's a silly question. Of course you are going to have to work until you interview. They are going to expect some sort of production in the interim. This process isn't going to happen swiftly. While the post may have been untimely, your response is extremely over the top. My guess is the poster isn't even a member of the company, and if they are, they're just as much at risk as you are.