So is this a good thing for Integra? Peter comes from Baxter. Are we continuing down the Pharma road?
It was bound to happen. The spine division ended up 20 million under goal and the strategy of growth through aquisition was bound to fail. By placing Uncle Stu in a "Chairman of the Board" position, allowed us to fire Stu without firing him and relieved us from having to pay an exhorbitant (sp?) severance package. Spine has been the biggest failure, declining 15% across the board from Theken and Seaspine revenues. The Neuro division is not fairing much better. Bravo Integra. Goodbye Stu!
The timing of this announcement couldn't have been better for him. He got to walk away before the bottom fell out. Now poor Pete in his 2nd week has to answer for a company that reported abismal year end numbers and announces a FDA warning letter.
I think he should have been man enough to take it on the chin and then go. Instead he did a quick dodge to let someone else take the blame when he was driving this ship the whole time.
I personally am happy about the change. I think Essig was holding us back. Now that he is gone I am excited to see what we become as a company.
Uh uh. 2:48 sounds like the old naysayer from the ghost of postings past. Integra's doing just fine. Stock will rebound and love will return to the world. I used to work there and just left a couple months ago. It was a very tough call to leave and made some great friends in Medina. Integra's a strong company and will come back with the new leadership in place.
Let's be honest. We are all going to be working for Stryker by year end.
These boys lost a boat load in the past month......and could be a lot or if the stock keeps plummeting.