This was all done in the name of "access", but it's funny how the real professional rep, who really knows what they're doing and has spent time on products,disease and patient profiles never lost access. It seems that the majority of reps went the "shortcut" route. Easier to buy a deli tray than spend the time learning the office and (shudder) diseases. Food did get these people access but once they get back they still have nothing to say - I've seen it time and time again, first hand. To be fair Merck has tried to maintain an image of "excellence" through it's training which is (or was) quite rigorious and demanding and through. In my experience it is management who drops the ball by not expecting the same scientific excellence from itself as the training department does. Dm's are much more interested in "anaylsis" which becomes "paralysis of anaylsis". They seem to feel that if we just "parse" and re-parse" all these customers and reps we can somehow squeeze out some more scripts. Most managers way over think this whole thing, get in the way of a "call continium" and don't seem to know what the customers and reps are talking about once a real product discussion begins. The problem is only half fixable. First those reps that had "special" access and "backdoor" conduits are gone. Merck, in it's short sightnedness got rid of them. Most were highly paid Executives and Senior Executives for a reason. They knew what they were doing and didn't need a candy bag to do it. Gone never to return and thier rapport, relationships, expertise forever gone with them. It is possible to rebuild the salesforce but only if it totally rids itself of the management now in place beginning with the incompetent DM's. Quit giving them the "cliff notes" version of product knowledge and begin to test, quiz and practicium the hell out of them. If they don't measure up. PIP THEM, not the rep. Get rid of piss poor managers. A good manager should be a resource on all things for his district. Few now are. Many cannot even point the rep in the right direction. Merck must begin aggressivley re-building it's salesforce and weed out it's bad managers, which are legion. Or stay on it's current path to mediocre obscurity.