What the hell is going on!!!!


The silence is getting to be ridiculous and the business as usual message makes me want to scream! The leader of this company left a voicemail telling us he understood that his message would be upsetting and promised he would get back to us the following week! The week is over Bill and the silence has made you and this company unreliable, unethical, and a bunch of liars.
I get the layoffs. I see why we need this but just let us know either way. Very disappointed. Very pissed. Please tell us what is going on

TOTALLY AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not even about the layoffs anymore! We understand that people will be let go and that there will be lots of changes! So stop with the bullshit messages!!!! Stop toying with people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't you people understand that you're not getting anything out of anyone right now????!!!!!! And even the DMs and RDs that are trying to pressure reps with INFLATED BUDGETS and Business as usual messages are viewed by the "PERFORMERS" as insensitive assholes???!!!! Hopefully the silence is because Bill, Jon, Rick, and everyone else in upper management are waiting to hear if they will be cut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly, what EXACTLY is it that you guys do?! Step up and LEAD!!!!!!!!!!

.Let me tell you what happened?.... These Uppermanagment Mofo's got a hold of some good sh*t!!...Sat in their office smoking their "medical marijuana"...puff..puff..passed it around the three of them...caught a case of the giggles and Bill said Ohhh let's Prank call the entire sales force and fu*ck with them!!!....So they sat, wrote it out, then left the voicemail...laughing histarically!!...woke up the next morning and said "shit?"...what do we do now??....Then the following week they smoked that sh*t again!!...and said Hey?! Let's fuck with them some more and make them all train on Tribeans...they are all already on their toes?!...and will take this training very seriously, thinking if they fail an exam they are out?!?!...well It's Friday again let's see what comes out of 2night's session via VM.... around 7ish eastern time.

All great previous post! I'm sick of all the layoffs talk in the industry including yours truly DSI! What layoffs are going to happen to RD, DM, Home Office, Research and Development, and the regional offices? I didn't get that voice-mail with those stats from Bill!

Couldn't agree more! The silence and "business as usual" crap has really gotten to me. I have lost all respect for this company. I used to love working here, and now with the way they are treating us with extra work (I.e. tribenzor home study which we don't even know if we will be around for) has really pissed me off! If I do survive the layoff I am likely to leave this joke of a company...I don't want to work for a bunch of disrespectful, lying, slavedrivers. Stop being a pansy Bill and come out with it already!!!

For those of us who've been through this before with other companies (and some of have been through this more than just once), we know how this is supposed to be done. I guess we are seeing how inexperienced this leadership team is with this sort of thing--they are really screwing it up!

You announce layoff and you do them that week- at least within a few days. Don't give us homework, when we are all waiting. It's really awful- I have never seen such a lack of leadership in a corporation.... It's not business 'as usual'... You made it that way, now fix it.

do you think reps will have similar territories like in the previous realignment 4 years ago or will they be totally different based off where reps live? I don't get it...if reps are performing well in a certain geography why switch it up? especially since sales aren't doing well in general hence the layoff

If you listen to the message you hear that the RD's were not laid off, but offered other positions at Daiichi.....I'm sure all the DM's and sales reps let go will be offered other jobs......ya right!!!!!

This is a great thread! It's refreshing to hear other DSI reps out there who think Bill McLean's messages are abhorrent and disgustingly insensitive. The first voicemail eerily drenched in ripe enthusiasm came across as though DSI had just found a cure for AIDS. I mean, honestly, do you really need to be that insincere and blatantly egocentric as too present a layoff as a prime customer benefit? Well, actually he may be right, since most Drs would like to see less of us. but that's a whole different discussion. : (

I am totally disgusted by the amount of "inservice funds"...given to my district at a time when people who have families are losing their livelihoods. I know upper management will mostly always suck in our eyes, but they are still people and it makes me truly sickened that they are shutting down an entire home office while also FORCING us to spend 12K a quarter...per rep! sick.

PLEASE just end this sadistic, weekly carrot-on-a-stick waiting game. It's BS and it's just @#$%ing unprofessional.