What really is happening?


For those who are outside, I have seen senior managers (25+yos) taking entry-level reallocation job so that they will survive until 80 points are achieved. ex. 64-level Sr. Res Advisor(ess) became 56-level Sr. Associate(ss); 62- and 60-level Advisor(ess) and Sr. Scientists became entry-level (54) Associates. This is how Lilly thanked. They removed support associate, so the person demoted has to do a benchwork or likes by him/herself. Where is the productivity? But that is the story..For those at bottom strata, jobs are being allocated in China, but can't move due to language and/or children in schools/house. Those who moved to China are far happier as the work stress is not same as worknig at Lilly US, of course income reduced, but still far higher than living standards. Plus in 20K they could buy a tenament as housing excess started to clip the rising prices.