What really happens at the meetings

Sex, alcohol, hang overs, more sex, more alcohol, gambling, and then listening to jackass leadership. It is an excuse for an overworked and underpaid sales force to blow off steam and relive their college days. Oh, and there are meetings but everyone has a hangover. If you are a spouse, ignorance is bliss. It's a blast!

You would be correct. I am a spouse. I have found out about a lot of affairs that go on at the meetings. There's about to be a lot of covers blown... Very soon. And yes, it can all be proven. If you are screwing around on your family- time to come clean. Cat is coming out of the bag....

this has been going on for as long as the meetings have gone on. you can't stop this train. they are not affairs. they are just drunk sex. nothing more. then we all go home and forget about it until the next meeting.

Not sure which division you are referring to. Im with Davol, and yes there has been a couple of incidents over the years. However, most people are married, and most are respectful to their spouses at the meetings.

All of the affairs I know of are in the Access division. And what I have proof of aren't "drunken affairs" but ongoing longterm affairs. Other reps, dms, and nurses facilitate the affairs by letting their rooms be used and helping to warn the cheaters if they are about to get caught. The deeper I look the more it appears to be just an accepted part of these gatherings. Some of these affairs have gone on for years.
Nice to think davol is different. That people are respectful of families and spouses. This particular group in access is not. Unfortunately you cannot behave like this and not get caught.... You know who you are.

this has been going on for as long as the meetings have gone on. you can't stop this train. they are not affairs. they are just drunk sex. nothing more. then we all go home and forget about it until the next meeting.

That is fine if you and other party are single. I could care less if single adults want to have drunken sex or heck, any kind of sex! when it matters is when two people are doing this with the knowledge that one or both parties are married and also children are involved. Sometimes it's time to grow up.