What products do u currently promote and what is the culture?

We do have some of the worst reps. Biggest babies. Purchasing the Santards and merging them in was our biggest mistake. Caused good reps to leave while leaving the cry babies.

We do have some of the worst reps. Biggest babies. Purchasing the Santards and merging them in was our biggest mistake. Caused good reps to leave while leaving the cry babies.
Hilarious....still bitter little Salix boy?salix was full of unethical used car salesmen. From the very top..Carolyn Logan down. The trash that they were saw the end of the road and knew they would be exposed and got terminated!

More than few have moved on pre- and post-acquisition to such companies as Gilead, Abbvie, J&J, Genentec, BMS, Grifols, etc. That's where former Salix reps have landed.

I know of one that left for a CSO with a local territory after the travel finally became too much for them. Another became a KAM. Another left the company, and the industry, and now sells real estate. Most are still here and doing well in either GI or Pain divisions.

I wonder what companies Santards have left for? That is one job you don't want on your resume!
I think you are confused little man. Santarus was known as a stand up classy start up that went from zero to being bought for over a billion dollars.

Salix was known for the lying to its investors, the Feds, and it's reps. Lying to the IRS about false sales numbers. Having to re do their books for the previous 3 years, paying penalties, the CEO the CFO quitting in shame. Both are facing possible jail time.

Year, you might want to rethink that one idiot. I'd remove Salix from my resume.

I think you are confused little man. Santarus was known as a stand up classy start up that went from zero to being bought for over a billion dollars.

Salix was known for the lying to its investors, the Feds, and it's reps. Lying to the IRS about false sales numbers. Having to re do their books for the previous 3 years, paying penalties, the CEO the CFO quitting in shame. Both are facing possible jail time.

Year, you might want to rethink that one idiot. I'd remove Salix from my resume.

Actually Santarus was known for taking rejects in the pharmaceutical industry who couldn't get jobs elsewhere. Fact.

Actually Santarus was known for taking rejects in the pharmaceutical industry who couldn't get jobs elsewhere. Fact.
No they were the best of the best. Willing to leave cushy big pharma and take a chance on a start up where you earned every script all by yourself and no one else. And.....we were rewarded handsomely for our efforts. Many made over a million bucks on November 7, 2013.

I get calls all the time from recruiters all because they see Santarus on my LinkedIn profile.

They don't want salix reps. They have a dirty, sleazy used car salesman aura.