Hello all. OB telling you all in PC you are safe. We are not going to mess with all you fine people since we can not run a company that makes a billion dollars since we only have 500 reps. However we are going to rule you with fear and scare the hell out of you. We know that we have you calling on people that really don't write much of our products but we paid McKenzie way too much money not to listen to them. Stay focused on what you can control and we will fire you one by one so we don't have to pay any type of severance. We are going to squeeze the shit out of you til we can't get any more out of you. If you are persistent and we can't make you leave we will audit all of your expense reports until we catch you not signing a sign in sheet. Good luck. And while the RSD's and DM's are not doing anything we thought of having them make some calls on big writers because they are such good sales people. But that made too much since so your going to keep seeing your 8 and 4.