What next


Serious question here. Been in Ortho for 15 years always pulling down a few hundred k. I quit my Ortho job a few years ago as I built a network of reps selling pain creams and killed it. I have about 6 mil in bank with house paid off now. Pain creams are dead. Cant retire as I am only 44 with 2 kids to put through private school and college/weddings etc. What is a cushy easy company to work for as I dont want to get back into Ortho/trauma again. A specialty pharma job? I don't need to make a lot just a decent salary and insurance as I live in the south so it is not a high cost of living.


Serious question here. Been in Ortho for 15 years always pulling down a few hundred k. I quit my Ortho job a few years ago as I built a network of reps selling pain creams and killed it. I have about 6 mil in bank with house paid off now. Pain creams are dead. Cant retire as I am only 44 with 2 kids to put through private school and college/weddings etc. What is a cushy easy company to work for as I dont want to get back into Ortho/trauma again. A specialty pharma job? I don't need to make a lot just a decent salary and insurance as I live in the south so it is not a high cost of living.

Can you please do us all a favor and stop posting here bragging about your pain cream fortune? Every chance you get you are posting about how much money you have in the bank, how you're too young to retire, etc. Yes, I have read some of your other posts. Typically I would be happy for someone in your shoes (I have several friends with similar wealth at similar age), but the difference is they never talk about it, and they definitely don't share specifics about how much "they have in the bank." The fact that you continue pointing out specifics of your "small fortune" (as you have said in the past) is embarrassing. If you have $6 million in the bank, you can retire, regardless of how much your kids' school may cost. Take $800k and put it into an education fund to cover your kids' education; it will be more than enough to cover private school and college at some of the most expensive colleges in the country.

So, once again, I'm calling BS on your $6 million bank account. Feel free to take a screen shot of your balance to prove me wrong. I feel sorry for you trying to improve your self-worth by posting (BS) info about your wealth.

Can you please do us all a favor and stop posting here bragging about your pain cream fortune? Every chance you get you are posting about how much money you have in the bank, how you're too young to retire, etc. Yes, I have read some of your other posts. Typically I would be happy for someone in your shoes (I have several friends with similar wealth at similar age), but the difference is they never talk about it, and they definitely don't share specifics about how much "they have in the bank." The fact that you continue pointing out specifics of your "small fortune" (as you have said in the past) is embarrassing. If you have $6 million in the bank, you can retire, regardless of how much your kids' school may cost. Take $800k and put it into an education fund to cover your kids' education; it will be more than enough to cover private school and college at some of the most expensive colleges in the country.

So, once again, I'm calling BS on your $6 million bank account. Feel free to take a screen shot of your balance to prove me wrong. I feel sorry for you trying to improve your self-worth by posting (BS) info about your wealth.

I don't call BS on this at all. I have friends that made even more than that doing this. How is it bragging if nobody knows who you are?? I think this person is using an anonymous board to get feedback, not bragging. Not quite sure he would want to go to his friends with this problem or ask advice with specifics like he gave, don't think anyone would be sympathetic, thus an anonymous board. I do agree with above poster to put that money away for all colleges, schools etc. at your age and savings you have no need to deal with being in the O/R BS or dealing with a micro manager. I would say look for a bio pharma company that carries only 1 or 2 specialty drugs and a very small call pattern. Work 35 hrs/week, make 80k, health Ins. and a company car. If the manager pisses you off you are fine as you have what I am trying to get to…. F U money. Good luck!

I don't call BS on this at all. I have friends that made even more than that doing this. How is it bragging if nobody knows who you are?? I think this person is using an anonymous board to get feedback, not bragging. Not quite sure he would want to go to his friends with this problem or ask advice with specifics like he gave, don't think anyone would be sympathetic, thus an anonymous board. I do agree with above poster to put that money away for all colleges, schools etc. at your age and savings you have no need to deal with being in the O/R BS or dealing with a micro manager. I would say look for a bio pharma company that carries only 1 or 2 specialty drugs and a very small call pattern. Work 35 hrs/week, make 80k, health Ins. and a company car. If the manager pisses you off you are fine as you have what I am trying to get to…. F U money. Good luck!

I'm with the 2nd poster. Total BS. $6 million in the bank is more than enough to call it quits. Also you mean to tell me someone has been in medical sales for 15 years and doesn't know parts of the medical industry to focus on for a cushy job? Whatever.

By the way, it IS bragging when you point out how much money you (supposedly) have. That's an irrelevant detail only thrown in to brag. Loser.

I'm with the 2nd poster. Total BS. $6 million in the bank is more than enough to call it quits. Also you mean to tell me someone has been in medical sales for 15 years and doesn't know parts of the medical industry to focus on for a cushy job? Whatever.

By the way, it IS bragging when you point out how much money you (supposedly) have. That's an irrelevant detail only thrown in to brag. Loser.

Good god, the jealousy on this board is pathetic. I've been in Ortho for 21 years and I would need help finding out which pharma company to work for. I made some nice coin doing creams but nowhere as much as him. Good for him!

Serious question here. Been in Ortho for 15 years always pulling down a few hundred k. I quit my Ortho job a few years ago as I built a network of reps selling pain creams and killed it. I have about 6 mil in bank with house paid off now. Pain creams are dead. Cant retire as I am only 44 with 2 kids to put through private school and college/weddings etc. What is a cushy easy company to work for as I dont want to get back into Ortho/trauma again. A specialty pharma job? I don't need to make a lot just a decent salary and insurance as I live in the south so it is not a high cost of living.

Salix Pharmaceuticals, went from Depuy to these guys and couldn't be happier. A little less pay but quality of life is amazing

Good god, the jealousy on this board is pathetic. I've been in Ortho for 21 years and I would need help finding out which pharma company to work for. I made some nice coin doing creams but nowhere as much as him. Good for him!

I'm happy for you- and would be happy for anyone succeeding and making cash...just not happy for people who brag about it like this guy has. And as already mentioned, this person has bragged about their situation all over this site in multiple posts. Definitely not jealous- also not sure I even believe it.