What Lou really thinks about all of us that work here a Craphron

Very disrespectfull, some employees in Orlando are profesional with experience and degrees. She said that south carolina employees are educated!!!!! We have a day care!!! They are a kids without experience and they dont know what they are doing!!!! They cant follow a procedure. The mayority of new south carolina employee are in nephron because they are close friends of lou or family of the new CEO.....

I would take this like water off a docks butt.You all knows how tha liberal media is, always taking things out of context. They don't like to see prosperity in this countray.

In defense of Lou, I think what she meant by the comment is that "bar tenders" speak with accents and mickey is a a bit to dark.

Lou and Bill are simple human beings as we all are. When they go to the toilet they makes the same noises and wiping we all do. Wait until she, her husband or a family member gets sick. No money, power or arrogance will stand up to that. They need some humility and respect for others. Let nature takes it course. Follow the book of Wisdom from King Solomon and you will know what I'm talking about.

What Louise Kennedy thinks of anyone is irrelevent. It is what think of yourself and your own perceived value. Working for Nephron Is a choice And there are other options even in this poor economy.

Louise Garner worked in the daycare industry prior to marrying up the food chain to Bill Kennedy. She was not always this tyranical. Now she probably eats children to fuel her unrerestrained and undeserved quest for power and lording over everyone in her employ at Nephron.

There is a quiet, powerful and unspoken strength in true leadership that command respect with out saying a single word.

Louise is a hysterical tyrant that wields her power through fear and intimidation. She does not have the gravitas lead or gain respect of her peers. This is something she could proudly add to her "score card".

People, Nephron is not a family. Nephron is your prison and she is the warden if you allow this to be your destiny. Commute your own sentence, stage a stay of execution and leave. There are businesses two doors down and two miles away that are looking for good people. Take a look around and decide if you feel is is worth it to be part of Neprhon.

Calling Louise a bitch is not compelling. She hears it all the time and wears it like a badge of honor. If you are not happy, change it and move on. Leave a message on why you moved on.... the rest is just superfluous rhetoric and nobody cares.

I left for the following reasons:

I got tired of having my pocket picked. The more we built the Neprhon machines profitability the more they took away.

Louise eats what she kills and I was sick and tired of "Black Friday".

The inconsitency and lack of cohesiveness made for a hostile work enviornment.

Employment is a two way street. I go above and beyond and you take from me and berate me, I leave, game over, moving on.

The Grass is always GREENER so go stake out a peice of new turf.

I have found it is much more constuctive to look forward to what you can acheive and control instead of looking over your shoulder only to find a knife in your back.


I left for the same reasons as RLP (though I could not put them in words as eloquently) and I have had an incredible career. I've doubled my salary in four years, and worked for two Fortune 50 companies. Nephron is a great thing to put on your resume because it sounds important, and people have no idea what really happens there. Stay as long as you need to, but don't be scared to look for other opportunities. There are other options.

Manufacturing companies are dying for all types of employees, especially if you're willing to move.

I truly believe those guys in SC are smarter, since two very high personell have jumped ship!!

They seen the mess, and they said forget it! Only Orlando, employees are dumb enough to stick with this company year after year, cover up mess after mess, do what ever is necessary to keep this company going!

BTW, I the eastern european has not Idea what he is doing, what has he done in the last 12 years he has been with the company?

meanwhile a start up company out of the northeast called Legendary Pharma has beaten us to many of our projects. I wonder why?

It does not matter what you call them, brown eye, donkey punch, rusty trombone or angry dragon!

lol because your idea of managing employees skill base is run by a bitter alcoholic a few years ago you have someone with 2 masters degrees (accounting and sales) from accredited colleges driving a local delivery truck really? Your entire company is run by r*****s that's why you think none of your people in Orlando are educated because you have a regime of uneducated people running your business who are scared to death of educated people they hire for remedial jobs. Again thanks for firing me of something stupid I managed to find a real job that compliments my own degrees (I also had a remedial job and was working on a post grad degree (assembly line lol.))