You're probably right. Fortunately, the majority of the American people are too smart to have anything to do with their idiotic contentions concerning what caused the attack. It had nothing to do with politics. The guy was plain crazy and that comes in all ideological flavors. But the foaming mouth left won't accept that reality.
What makes it even worse for the Dimlibs is that if you are forced to assign the nutcase an ideology, he is clearly a dope-smoking, heavy-metal-listening, atheistic-occult-involved, violent-video-game-playing, Mein Kampf and Communist Manifesto-reading young loser punk of a LEFTIST! Why, he could almost be Vag's son!
Time and time again, they hope that the perpetrator of some violent political act is a conservative and time and time again (as pointed out by Michelle Malkin) it turns out to be a libtard or a Muslime terrorist.