What Jimmy Hoffa Jr. REALLY said

As usual, Faux news edited the comments, and then their newsreaders, (it's funny, watch how their lips move) made up some outrage and concern. Of there are some posters her who deny that Faux and conservatard teabaggers lie on a daily basis, and will no doubt try to spin their own pathetic analysis.

Aren't you cute? Once again you start a thread that is a LIE. When are you going to start a thread crying about yourself and your lies?

So, if the clip was edited, was there ANY change in the context of the union thug's comments? Is this what One-and-Done Obama's call for new civility is all about?

Perhaps you will 'splain to us all what the Obama new civility meaning of "...let’s take these son of a bitches out..." would be, in any context.

As usual, Faux news edited the comments, and then their newsreaders, (it's funny, watch how their lips move) made up some outrage and concern. Of there are some posters her who deny that Faux and conservatard teabaggers lie on a daily basis, and will no doubt try to spin their own pathetic analysis.


All they have are lies and slander - KKKarl Rove and the comedian Limbaugh taught them well.

What would Gabby Giffords say? Weren't we all supposed to tone down our rhetoric? I hope some union thug doesn't come unhinged.

We know Hoffa's family history is filled with blood stains. This should surprise nobody. Keep the pressure on. They are running scared.

First they get skunked in Wisconsin. Then they have to fight tooth and nail to save what should be a safe seat. Then MoDo leaves the reservation and some Fleebaggers are quietly rumbling that Alibi Ike should get a primary.

Rush's plan has worked masterfully

What would Gabby Giffords say? Weren't we all supposed to tone down our rhetoric? I hope some union thug doesn't come unhinged.

We know Hoffa's family history is filled with blood stains. This should surprise nobody. Keep the pressure on. They are running scared.

First they get skunked in Wisconsin. Then they have to fight tooth and nail to save what should be a safe seat. Then MoDo leaves the reservation and some Fleebaggers are quietly rumbling that Alibi Ike should get a primary.

Rush's plan has worked masterfully

Rush's plan?:D Is he planning to marry again?

What would Gabby Giffords say? Weren't we all supposed to tone down our rhetoric? I hope some union thug doesn't come unhinged.

We know Hoffa's family history is filled with blood stains. This should surprise nobody. Keep the pressure on. They are running scared.

First they get skunked in Wisconsin. Then they have to fight tooth and nail to save what should be a safe seat. Then MoDo leaves the reservation and some Fleebaggers are quietly rumbling that Alibi Ike should get a primary.

Rush's plan has worked masterfully
It wouldn't be be much of a surprise to learn that the puppet masters of the man child empty suited president told Hoffa to say exactly what he said. They probably said something like "yo, Jimbo, yooz remember what happened to your ole man? Here's what we wantcha to say, and if you don't...we can find a new stadium just for you." :eek::eek::eek:

Aren't you cute? Once again you start a thread that is a LIE. When are you going to start a thread crying about yourself and your lies?

So, if the clip was edited, was there ANY change in the context of the union thug's comments? Is this what One-and-Done Obama's call for new civility is all about?

Perhaps you will 'splain to us all what the Obama new civility meaning of "...let’s take these son of a bitches out..." would be, in any context.

U left something out. Before the S.O.B. comment he said go out and vote. Or words to that effect.

U left something out. Before the S.O.B. comment he said go out and vote. Or words to that effect.
I didn't leave anything out. I asked a specific question about the intentions of Carterbama's warm-up act for one of his endless empty campaign rants.

Your problem is, he didn't just encourage them to go out and vote. He encouraged them to take the SOBs out. If we're to believe anything he said, then we should believe everything that he said. What did he mean by his reference to "take out" and to "sons of bitches" (corrected for his grammatical error)?

I didn't leave anything out. I asked a specific question about the intentions of Carterbama's warm-up act for one of his endless empty campaign rants.

Your problem is, he didn't just encourage them to go out and vote. He encouraged them to take the SOBs out. If we're to believe anything he said, then we should believe everything that he said. What did he mean by his reference to "take out" and to "sons of bitches" (corrected for his grammatical error)?

And the beat goes on . . . I am glad the S.O.B crap gets to you so much!


I didn't leave anything out. I asked a specific question about the intentions of Carterbama's warm-up act for one of his endless empty campaign rants.

Your problem is, he didn't just encourage them to go out and vote. He encouraged them to take the SOBs out. If we're to believe anything he said, then we should believe everything that he said. What did he mean by his reference to "take out" and to "sons of bitches" (corrected for his grammatical error)?

What did he mean by "vote"?

If anyone knows about taking people out, it's Jimmy Jr. Didn't he sound like he drank a pint of Jack? What a blubbering bufoon. And you wonder why the majority of America despises disorganized labor? Having come from that part of the world, I can tell you that this is about the level of intellect that you get with these thugs.

RIGHT. Like I said before the Dems have to grow a spine and fight fire with fire. Finally someone did. The only problem is you Judeo repubs have no idea what vote means.

There is a difference between Republicans and the Nazi Democrats. We don't need to hire Acorn workers to ride a bus to the polls, get free drinks on the bus, and be given a five-dollar bill with a picture of OBlahBlah just to make sure that the right person gets the vote..

Tell me. Is Obama still working on developing that "green" gas chamber?


There is a difference between Republicans and the Nazi Democrats. We don't need to hire Acorn workers to ride a bus to the polls, get free drinks on the bus, and be given a five-dollar bill with a picture of OBlahBlah just to make sure that the right person gets the vote..

Tell me. Is Obama still working on developing that "green" gas chamber?


Absalutly right.
Confront them. Don’t be cowed into silence.

And don’t let the media whitewash the sins of the hypocritical Right in their naked attempt to suppress the law-abiding, constitutionally-protected, peaceful, vigorous political speech of the Left. Its about time the Dems grew a spine.