The new daily is simply the best lens on the market. People will pay for the best. Best in comfort, best in convenience, best optics, best oxygen permeability, and it is biotrue because it moisturizes as it sits on your eye.
This statement is so outlandish I cant tell if this person is just pulling peoples chains but, if you have worked in any sales job in the OD industry and live in the real word this statement is not just naive, but just plain ignorant. The optics story has never stuck and never will. How's the HD labling going, oh wait the FDA still hasn't approved that. You do realize management has been feeding the salesforce the same story your spewing for the last 6-8 years. The same years they watched themselves go from dominace to an afterthought. Case in point, wasn't it only a little over a year ago the same claims were being made about the PV2 toric and a year before that PV2? Both lens don't hold a candle to their competition and play a 4th lens role in a good 60% of ODs (that's a conservative number).
In the real world, B+L has two serious launch challenges, very little presence in Vision Source the largest private OD organization, fiercely loyal to Cooper & Ciba with almost 3000 private ODs including more infulentual AOA presidents then any other. As for your WalMarts, Costcos, and other major retailers good luck having one of those ODs push a dramatic increase in cost of lens to their patients who are already happy in what they are wearing, but both these obstacles really won't matter because B+L will most likely do their limited fit set launch dance that has worked so well before.
Sadly if the above statement was serious they have no true understanding of the daily market. All daily lens are comfortable what truly sold the Solflens daily when it was launched was that B+L finally came out with a comfort comparable lens in a packaging that did not suck and most of all it was cheaper then the other dailies. As for the oxygen statement, seriously, dailies due to the fact they are replaced everyday don't need a high dkt and has almost a non existent rate of oxygen related adverse events (and you won't have the highest dkt because that honor goes to TrueEye). Comfort and cost and pretty much all of the current dailies have comfort.
If B+L intends for this miracle daily to change anything they will need to go after the 2week market owned by Oasys with an optics story that hasnt worked for the last 10 years, a lens that will require a very cost sensitive market to pay more for something that could be as comfortable because no matter how you cut it Oasys may be a lot of things but it is what all lens measure themselves against in comfort. Bottom line, ODs rarely switch healthly happy patients to lens that cost more, they will not try to fix something that is not broken and take the risk of upsetting an already happy patient.
Welcome to reality