What is the right size?


I don't think in this environment that there needs to be more than 1 rep in a territory. We are bloated and if the numbers were cut, maybe we would get a little more on the check every 2 weeks. Also, maybe have a primary care carry diabetes and resp medications, then get the senior reps to call on the specialists. This would also cut the bottom line and maybe afford everyone more offices to see.

This is Pascal. Looks like you have figured out the US business. I will be firing Ruud. The job is yours.

Strategy isn’t your forte, don’t quit your day job. Get back out there like the drone you are and leave the big decisions to us.

I don't think in this environment that there needs to be more than 1 rep in a territory. We are bloated and if the numbers were cut, maybe we would get a little more on the check every 2 weeks. Also, maybe have a primary care carry diabetes and resp medications, then get the senior reps to call on the specialists. This would also cut the bottom line and maybe afford everyone more offices to see.

Many won't like this post and will think admitting this threatens jobs. Primary care reps can barely balance the products they have now, let alone respiratory medications on top of it. Primary care physicians give very little time. It is very important to be focused in those calls. It is unlikely anyone is getting through three products on a stand up call. A third product will be a reminder call, unless it's a sit down meeting or a slow office. It takes multiple calls on that provider to get through three or more products effectively. Specialist give more time and are more spread out. Therefore, you may need smaller call goals for those reps if that is all they are calling on. Considering the salary of specialty is in the range of $125K and up, does it make sense to have them driving all day to make 3 GOOD calls per day? In many territories specialty reps and primary care reps have little interaction with each other. They aren't working together with programs or other resources. They are operating as another division or company.

Here is a solution for you, get rid of specialty/primary care mentality in every division and trade that with the territory manager mindset. Put all the doctors in one pool and create smaller territories. There are not too many reps, there are too few territories. Too many specialty reps overlapping primary care offices. This is a huge problem on the West Coast and likely in other parts of the country. I run into my specialty rep all week. Does it really make sense to have us both in the same areas with the same products? They may only have one target in the entire area. It would be much easier for the primary rep to call on that provider. Especially in heavy traffic parts of the country. It's a waste of time and money. Will anyone mention it or change it? No. Because no one wants to lose their job and by admitting we have too many overlapping reps, will also mean we have too many overlapping managers. Keep the sales force by disease state. Diabetic products, cardiovascular products and respiratory products all need their own force. Mixing disease states is silly for the flow of a call and the targeting.

Many won't like this post and will think admitting this threatens jobs. Primary care reps can barely balance the products they have now, let alone respiratory medications on top of it. Primary care physicians give very little time. It is very important to be focused in those calls. It is unlikely anyone is getting through three products on a stand up call. A third product will be a reminder call, unless it's a sit down meeting or a slow office. It takes multiple calls on that provider to get through three or more products effectively. Specialist give more time and are more spread out. Therefore, you may need smaller call goals for those reps if that is all they are calling on. Considering the salary of specialty is in the range of $125K and up, does it make sense to have them driving all day to make 3 GOOD calls per day? In many territories specialty reps and primary care reps have little interaction with each other. They aren't working together with programs or other resources. They are operating as another division or company.

Here is a solution for you, get rid of specialty/primary care mentality in every division and trade that with the territory manager mindset. Put all the doctors in one pool and create smaller territories. There are not too many reps, there are too few territories. Too many specialty reps overlapping primary care offices. This is a huge problem on the West Coast and likely in other parts of the country. I run into my specialty rep all week. Does it really make sense to have us both in the same areas with the same products? They may only have one target in the entire area. It would be much easier for the primary rep to call on that provider. Especially in heavy traffic parts of the country. It's a waste of time and money. Will anyone mention it or change it? No. Because no one wants to lose their job and by admitting we have too many overlapping reps, will also mean we have too many overlapping managers. Keep the sales force by disease state. Diabetic products, cardiovascular products and respiratory products all need their own force. Mixing disease states is silly for the flow of a call and the targeting.

Add to that the overhyped HSS who was originally hired to break down barriers in the IDN's and align to assist those same IDN's meet their goals. They then had to include targeted specialists (many that aren't even part of the IDN that the HSS is aligned to) because they had little to NO impact in those IDN's. So another rep on top of the territory rep and the RST rep. You can't make this stuff up.
They are paid more and do less....much less.

Add to that the overhyped HSS who was originally hired to break down barriers in the IDN's and align to assist those same IDN's meet their goals. They then had to include targeted specialists (many that aren't even part of the IDN that the HSS is aligned to) because they had little to NO impact in those IDN's. So another rep on top of the territory rep and the RST rep. You can't make this stuff up.
They are paid more and do less....much less.

It will all be a moot point soon anyway. With the continued merging of PBMs and more government controls we will be down to one to three formularies soon so decisions of which drugs to write will be made for the physicians. If you drug is not on the preferred formulary then you are out of luck. Either way it makes our jobs obsolete.

Add to that the overhyped HSS who was originally hired to break down barriers in the IDN's and align to assist those same IDN's meet their goals. They then had to include targeted specialists (many that aren't even part of the IDN that the HSS is aligned to) because they had little to NO impact in those IDN's. So another rep on top of the territory rep and the RST rep. You can't make this stuff up.
They are paid more and do less....much less.
AZ could’ve easily utilized the HCS reps to do the HSS job. They are only selling Brilinta and most of them were long time hospital reps with AZ where they sold Symbicort, Seroquel XR and Crestor. Company over-thinks things sometimes.

It will all be a moot point soon anyway. With the continued merging of PBMs and more government controls we will be down to one to three formularies soon so decisions of which drugs to write will be made for the physicians. If you drug is not on the preferred formulary then you are out of luck. Either way it makes our jobs obsolete.

If one of the far left zealots calling for Democratic Socialism wins or if they take over congress then single payer and one national formulary is next. Death to PBMs, HMOs, and big Pharma. Capitalist countries like the USA have been subsidizing drug costs in socialist countries for years. If the USA goes socialist then big Pharma can kiss their asses good bye. The party will be over and R&D and risk taking with investments will be over too.
Might as well sit back and live off of the handouts until everyone is doing it an the handouts dry up. Crazy Bernie and Medicare for all. Venezuela.

AZ could’ve easily utilized the HCS reps to do the HSS job. They are only selling Brilinta and most of them were long time hospital reps with AZ where they sold Symbicort, Seroquel XR and Crestor. Company over-thinks things sometimes.

Said a DUMB MFer. You have no clue what the HSS does. So shut your mouth

If one of the far left zealots calling for Democratic Socialism wins or if they take over congress then single payer and one national formulary is next. Death to PBMs, HMOs, and big Pharma. Capitalist countries like the USA have been subsidizing drug costs in socialist countries for years. If the USA goes socialist then big Pharma can kiss their asses good bye. The party will be over and R&D and risk taking with investments will be over too.
Might as well sit back and live off of the handouts until everyone is doing it an the handouts dry up. Crazy Bernie and Medicare for all. Venezuela.

Free Health care for all, free college for all, and a guaranteed minimum income for all. Sounds good doesn't it? Except nothing is free and when people get tired of working hard to pay for someone else who doesn't work and decide to join the ranks of the freeloaders instead, then you have the final stages of socialism. Romania, Chile, Venezuela, and so many other examples where this shit failed and led to violent dictatorships.

If one of the far left zealots calling for Democratic Socialism wins or if they take over congress then single payer and one national formulary is next. Death to PBMs, HMOs, and big Pharma. Capitalist countries like the USA have been subsidizing drug costs in socialist countries for years. If the USA goes socialist then big Pharma can kiss their asses good bye. The party will be over and R&D and risk taking with investments will be over too.
Might as well sit back and live off of the handouts until everyone is doing it an the handouts dry up. Crazy Bernie and Medicare for all. Venezuela.

A Princeton Economist Professor once did an experiment. He told his class that instead of grading on the curve with so many receiving As and so many Bs, Fs, etc. If they agreed, he would simply average all of the grades and everyone would be guaranteed to receive a passing grade in the middle of the curve. It started out that everyone was receiving a C+ , some studied and did well while others did not and more and more stopped even attending class. By the end of the Semester the average grade was a D. Then he told them that they had fallen for the Socialism and Utopia trap.

HSS don't do a thing and everyone knows it. They show up for a rep lunch and that is their big accomplishment for the week. They have no impact on formulary decisions for healthcare companies and their providers. They could if they knew how to do their jobs but most don't. Big waste of money and one of the two stupidest things Dean McClaister created. The other was having a respiratory specialty sales force that sell the same products as their primary care counterparts. They do the same job, are often less qualified than their peers but kissed better ass. Most people resent them for making more bonus and salary for doing the same job. Very bad for morale.

HSS don't do a thing and everyone knows it. They show up for a rep lunch and that is their big accomplishment for the week. They have no impact on formulary decisions for healthcare companies and their providers. They could if they knew how to do their jobs but most don't. Big waste of money and one of the two stupidest things Dean McClaister created. The other was having a respiratory specialty sales force that sell the same products as their primary care counterparts. They do the same job, are often less qualified than their peers but kissed better ass. Most people resent them for making more bonus and salary for doing the same job. Very bad for morale.

Dean has been a fraud for decades. Everything he touches turns into a big burning pile of horse shit. He must have naked pictures of someone very high up in the company to have lasted this long. He is gone then he is back then he is gone then he is back again. WTF??

Dean has been a fraud for decades. Everything he touches turns into a big burning pile of horse shit. He must have naked pictures of someone very high up in the company to have lasted this long. He is gone then he is back then he is gone then he is back again. WTF??

Dean reads a lot of motivational books and is pretty good in front of an audience. That is what got him to where he was/is. Challenge him and you will see his passive aggressive core. The smile is nothing more than a façade.