Would anyone venture to predict the announcement of our last day as a sales force? I am thinking 11/15 at latest. I have no source, only a gut feeling...
Would anyone venture to predict the announcement of our last day as a sales force? I am thinking 11/15 at latest. I have no source, only a gut feeling...
Oct. 25th Cubist takes over Optimer leadership. Within 10 minutes Cubist will clean house, take out the trash and all Optimer leadership with remaining HAM's will be out of a job.
GREAT! I'm looking forward to it. Lots of RSU's, huge bonus, 4 months severance plus un-used vacation time coming my way. I can't wait to be done with this place. I forgot to mention that I start my new job in early December so I will be banking all that coin.
Good luck to everyone especially the HAM's. Remember that it was not your fault this company failed.
So in two months, which company's board will you be migrating to in order to bitch about how much you hate your job?
Oh wait, I know, you are "leaving the industry"........yeah right.
I'm not bitching about anything. Just taking my money and moving on. Why would I ever leave this industry? I always do well and work my own schedule. What could be better?
Liar. Who hires someone and then waits nearly two months to have them start work? Almost no one. Take your RSU's and severance and spend them wisely, they'll need to last you a long, long time in this economy. There are lots of good reps out there waiting for the job you have been bitching about.
In my case, this company is promoting the person I am replacing effective January 1. They want me on in early Dec. for training and what not and in field in early/mid-January. Please don't hate the player. Control your own destiny and stop being so bitter.
Just lurking and watching this exchange. Someone has never been involved in planning a new product roll-out, have you? Did you plan to hire everyone the week before the commercial launch? No wonder there's such a mess...
I've been involved in several new product rollouts. I'd never hire an egocentric person like the one that posted. I don't believe his story either. My experience has been if they have to tell everyone how good they are, they aren't very good.
If I gave you any thought I might hate you. But I could not care less who you are or what you do. I just don't believe a word of your story.