What is the general feeling about this company from the inside


Since B+L is not public and most if not all of what happens there is hidden from the public view is there anyone from the inside that could give an account of what it is like to work at B+L? Do you feel like you have a future? Is the constant talk of a sale of the company a distraction and make you worried about your job security? Do you like your current job and feel that you get the appropriate salary and recognition for your efforts? Are the goals and objectives you are given fair and allow you to balance work and family life?

BS has largely disappeared, all that is left are his empty corporate speak BS buzzwords hanging in the hallways. It is clear that WP is draining the company at this point and there might be a year left before we reach the point of no return towards bk. Pretty much everyone realizes that if they can't get out by then this is the only possible outcome. On the plus side, the parking lot is empty by 5:05.

Since B+L is not public and most if not all of what happens there is hidden from the public view is there anyone from the inside that could give an account of what it is like to work at B+L? Do you feel like you have a future? Is the constant talk of a sale of the company a distraction and make you worried about your job security? Do you like your current job and feel that you get the appropriate salary and recognition for your efforts? Are the goals and objectives you are given fair and allow you to balance work and family life?

I hate Sunday nights and dread Monday mornings now.

I feel burned by this company. Nothing worse than finding out that you are a good performer but are going to be laid off due to the ISTA merger. I saw the writing on the wall but couldn't do much about it. Sucks.

Can only speak for Vison Care, but the future is very bright on that side. Three new launches next year, and maybe a fourth if they can pull it off. First new material in 14 years, and a new multi-focal that will enhance our hold on the top share of that segment. We hear tough stories from some of our Pharma co-workers, but still plenty of positive from certain parts of the Country. The IPO will happen. There are 3 acquisitions being looked at currently to strengthen our position even more.

Can only speak for Vison Care, but the future is very bright on that side. Three new launches next year, and maybe a fourth if they can pull it off. First new material in 14 years, and a new multi-focal that will enhance our hold on the top share of that segment. We hear tough stories from some of our Pharma co-workers, but still plenty of positive from certain parts of the Country. The IPO will happen. There are 3 acquisitions being looked at currently to strengthen our position even more.

Little too little, little too late. Unless their is a change in market share the IPO will flop. BK is where it is all headed. If the IPO is before the launches and/or acquisitions people will see right through the false promises of new products. If WP waits until there is a real change in the finances and market share to IPO the IPO will happen in 2015. Not going to happen.

General feeling. I no longer like my job it has become all about metrics, not the customer. I'm now just a number not a human being or a part of a team.

It's sad! Myself & other great reps I know are disappointed, frustrated with this merger. I had expected more from Ista management ,sadly wronged! There is a disconnect with upper management& managers from Ista. The Ista RBD lacks any & all credibility! What kind of professional are you when your first team experience is at a baseball game with half naked painted women on display! Vile! And violation! Is that the corporate culture they had at Ista??
Do without consequences? Bring back DG!! Classy, enthusiastic pro B&L!

It's sad! Myself & other great reps I know are disappointed, frustrated with this merger. I had expected more from Ista management ,sadly wronged! There is a disconnect with upper management& managers from Ista. The Ista RBD lacks any & all credibility! What kind of professional are you when your first team experience is at a baseball game with half naked painted women on display! Vile! And violation! Is that the corporate culture they had at Ista??
Do without consequences? Bring back DG!! Classy, enthusiastic pro B&L!

And get rid of KK

It's sad! Myself & other great reps I know are disappointed, frustrated with this merger. I had expected more from Ista management ,sadly wronged! There is a disconnect with upper management& managers from Ista. The Ista RBD lacks any & all credibility! What kind of professional are you when your first team experience is at a baseball game with half naked painted women on display! Vile! And violation! Is that the corporate culture they had at Ista??
Do without consequences? Bring back DG!! Classy, enthusiastic pro B&L!

Half naked painted women. Do you mean cheerleaders? Have you never seen a cheerleader before?

Half naked painted women. Do you mean cheerleaders? Have you never seen a cheerleader before?

Listen, it's obvious you weren't there! The skanky bikini clad women in the pool fondled by old men with money and the women with body paint. Disgraceful! Not an appropriate corporate function. If this is how Ista played than being it on, HR nightmare waiting to happen.

OMG, is this company full of a bunch of prudes????? Maybe everyone in this company would be happier if they learned to actually HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!

I think they are afraid to have fun in front of management OR maybe they have just forgotten how to be themselves. They have memorized the corporate speak and just can't help themselves.

OMG, is this company full of a bunch of prudes????? Maybe everyone in this company would be happier if they learned to actually HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!

This example really shows it but it is really evident every day at B+L. A little too much cleavage or a skirt that does not meet the required B+L length standard and the women here tear you to shreds like a pack of wolves.

I would call it Prudes on steriods!!!!!!!

This example really shows it but it is really evident every day at B+L. A little too much cleavage or a skirt that does not meet the required B+L length standard and the women here tear you to shreds like a pack of wolves.

I would call it Prudes on steriods!!!!!!!

Who cares?! What a stupid topic! If you are happy with your short skirts and boobage why care about what anyone else thinks or says? Don't forget, you are putting yourself on display, so there will be critics; you know women are the most critical

It's not a stupid topic when those prudes are sabotaging your business. To talk badly about your team mate in a doctor's office , because you don't like how she dresses, is definitely low class and unethical, but borders on illegal. We all know what happened.

It's not a stupid topic when those prudes are sabotaging your business. To talk badly about your team mate in a doctor's office , because you don't like how she dresses, is definitely low class and unethical, but borders on illegal. We all know what happened.

I don't-just responding to thread-you definitely sound paranoid and like you dont have enough to go; oh-and have a low self-esteem......somewhere