What is new for Vision Care?

Is BioTrue it or is there something else going to happen exciting in Vision Care. Any new contact lens or solution products on the horizon?

Getting approval in all countries at once can be challenging but global launches are necessary for successful new product introductions. Should have some new interesting launches soon.

Getting approval in all countries at once can be challenging but global launches are necessary for successful new product introductions. Should have some new interesting launches soon.

Is Biotrue sold in all countries around the world or are there some countries that have not approved it for sale yet? If we could work hard to get global approval of our products our sales would go through the roof and really help out our profits.

Product launches can easily be made ahead of schedule if we work to accelerate the project timelines. Every step in the project should be looked at closely to see if we can shorten the timing for them.

The best way to shorten timelines is to add more people resources to each task and make each person that is now working on that task accountable for accelerating the timeline. The one thing B+L has is people resources as there have been no layoffs in 3 years and many positions were filled specifically to accelerate project timelines. Also, taking people off tasks that do not add benefit to the company (accelerate project timelines) should be reassigned to the projects so that we can maximize our resources to achieving the goal of launching our new products ahead of schedule.

Product launches can easily be made ahead of schedule if we work to accelerate the project timelines. Every step in the project should be looked at closely to see if we can shorten the timing for them.

The best way to shorten timelines is to add more people resources to each task and make each person that is now working on that task accountable for accelerating the timeline. The one thing B+L has is people resources as there have been no layoffs in 3 years and many positions were filled specifically to accelerate project timelines. Also, taking people off tasks that do not add benefit to the company (accelerate project timelines) should be reassigned to the projects so that we can maximize our resources to achieving the goal of launching our new products ahead of schedule.

Agreed, too many people at this company are working on things that are not about getting a new product approved by the FDA. A realignment of peoples roles and responsibilities are needed in order to maximize the acceleration of project timelines.

I think if they evaluated a lot of people's jobs you would find that the majority of the work is working on a pet project of a manager and not on a project that benefits the project managers to achieving their goals.

Too much conflict of interest in terms of the percent time a project manager can get from a team member vs. the time a manager/directer gets from the employee helping them with their pet project of essentially doing their secretarial work for them.

Have everyone report directly to the project managers and we can turn this company around.

Unifying D&R into a single effort to get FDA approval is essential. So few of D&R is actually D. Since product approval is our single most important goal we should get 100% of D&R to work on D until we get an FDA approval.

If after a few D successes happen then let some people work on R but if we do not get some products approved soon there will be no D or R for people to work on.

What is D. Anything that can shorten the timeline for getting market approval. Marketing D+R is not D. How can you work on marketing studies of a product that has not even received FDA approval yet? Completing the FDA required studies for product approval is D and everyone in this organization should be responsible for shortening the timelines for approval. To give the project managers only 10% of the resources of D&R while the other 90% of D&R Dilly and Dally on meaningless self promoting activities is ridiculous.

Give the project managers the authority and resources needed in this company without having to beg the functional managers/directors for the employees time and we can give you the FDA approvals that are needed.

Unifying D&R into a single effort to get FDA approval is essential. So few of D&R is actually D. Since product approval is our single most important goal we should get 100% of D&R to work on D until we get an FDA approval.

If after a few D successes happen then let some people work on R but if we do not get some products approved soon there will be no D or R for people to work on.

What is D. Anything that can shorten the timeline for getting market approval. Marketing D+R is not D. How can you work on marketing studies of a product that has not even received FDA approval yet? Completing the FDA required studies for product approval is D and everyone in this organization should be responsible for shortening the timelines for approval. To give the project managers only 10% of the resources of D&R while the other 90% of D&R Dilly and Dally on meaningless self promoting activities is ridiculous.

Give the project managers the authority and resources needed in this company without having to beg the functional managers/directors for the employees time and we can give you the FDA approvals that are needed.

In order for the project managers to get more resources from the departments there would have to be a major reorganization in D&R. Not going to happen.

In order for the project managers to get more resources from the departments there would have to be a major reorganization in D&R. Not going to happen.

Maybe not a reorganization just more devoted time from more people on the projects. When people are asked to say how much time they spend on each project it is probably and exaggeration. They are probably spending a lot of time on things that are not project related but may help out their resumes or progress some pet project of their director.

Maybe not a reorganization just more devoted time from more people on the projects. When people are asked to say how much time they spend on each project it is probably and exaggeration. They are probably spending a lot of time on things that are not project related but may help out their resumes or progress some pet project of their director.

Support from EVERYONE in D&R on project related activity would help. Too many slackers or people buffered or privileged from working hard on development projects.

PureVision2HD Sphere has already grabbed significant share from the awful two week Oasys. Now PureVision2HD for Astigmatism launches in October with a MultiFocal and a new material to follow next year. Oh there is plenty to be happy about in Vision Care.

PureVision2HD Sphere has already grabbed significant share from the awful two week Oasys. Now PureVision2HD for Astigmatism launches in October with a MultiFocal and a new material to follow next year. Oh there is plenty to be happy about in Vision Care.

Time to sell off Vision Care why were on a role with all of these new products. Biotrue killing the competition in the solution business. Purevision taking market share from Oasys and a new material that is going to revolutionize the contact lens business. There should be a buyer that will pay top dollar for this division soon.

PureVision2HD Sphere has already grabbed significant share from the awful two week Oasys. Now PureVision2HD for Astigmatism launches in October with a MultiFocal and a new material to follow next year. Oh there is plenty to be happy about in Vision Care.

It would be nice to put R&D resources on these projects so that the projected FDA approvals actually happen. To few resources will make the timelines shift yet again and we will be talking next year about a 2013 or 2014 launch.