What is going on with Inform?


No senior management on the website, Pathologists leaving, advertisements for new pathologist positions listed that are more than a year old, all department heads positions still unfilled. Would anyone consider joining such a company?

Click on the link and read the description. Even a high school kid will tell you, it looks like a joke. Professors, fostering an academic environment, world's leading institutions, authors of textbooks! All our clients see are two Chinese chicks(pun intended and nothing against anyone). Get real guys.


Our standard of excellence in urologic pathology services is due in part to our premier team of GU pathologists—all subspecialists. Many of our urologic pathologists are current or former professors at some of the world’s leading institutions.

Additionally, Inform Diagnostics fosters an academic environment where ongoing research and education are encouraged. As recognized experts, many of our urologic pathologists regularly give presentations at national meetings, publish articles in peer-reviewed journals, and author textbooks and chapters.