What is going on in Largo, at HQ?


What is going on at the home office in Largo? My communications are almost as frequent as postings to CafePharma (rare). Calls are not given the courtesy of a reply.

Used to be able to talk to engineers in R&D about capital equipment, but the one's I knew are gone.

What are the experiences of others?

What is going on at the home office in Largo? My communications are almost as frequent as postings to CafePharma (rare). Calls are not given the courtesy of a reply.

Used to be able to talk to engineers in R&D about capital equipment, but the one's I knew are gone.

What are the experiences of others?

Absolutely nothing is going on in Largo, except our so called Area Directors (BT, RC, and SG) having weekly meetings, trying to figure out they're going to keep their jobs. I'm actually pretty impressed they have managed to last this long, when they have absolutely no knowledge of the products, and what's going on in the industry. Yes, it's gotten pretty bad.

I would like to see Johnson & Johnson

Hasn't this opportunity been lost when J&J acquired Synthes and their power equipment group? Why would they want Linvatec now, when they have been pumping $ into the old Anspach group to expand their product offerings. Do you really think that Linvatec's distribution system is what J&J wants?

Re: What is going on in Largo, at HQ? About to be bought??

Once a ball like this get's going it will pick up speed and can't be stopped. EC and JC are on the way out. We are going to be sold. Who do you want to purchase us. I would like Zimmer

How about Covidien? They have the size and power to take us some place where we can't go with Conmed. They are in the Sports Med business with the US Surg line, but we would be a huge add to their Sports Med business. Which means they would leave us alone, and even invest in us. They are already in all the other 4 Conmed business units which means they could merge those units into their existing divisions for cost savings and pay for the acquisition. Who cares what they do in Utica and Denver as long as they leave us alone!

Re: What is going on in Largo, at HQ? About to be bought??

How about Covidien? They have the size and power to take us some place where we can't go with Conmed. They are in the Sports Med business with the US Surg line, but we would be a huge add to their Sports Med business. Which means they would leave us alone, and even invest in us. They are already in all the other 4 Conmed business units which means they could merge those units into their existing divisions for cost savings and pay for the acquisition. Who cares what they do in Utica and Denver as long as they leave us alone!

The ouster of the Corasantis is in play right now, not the sale of the company. That may be 1-2 years away.

Like the voce letter says, nepotism and cronyism runs so deep that if you remove the Corsantis all if the ineptitude would be exposed by new management. Best to sell now while the perceived issues are thinly hidden and valuation is highest. Imagine what the perception would be if 75% of Director and VP spots were immediately fired for incompetency?

Re: What is going on in Largo, at HQ? About to be bought??

The ouster of the Corasantis is in play right now, not the sale of the company. That may be 1-2 years away.

Under better conditions I might agree. But now, did you read that 3rd quarter results statement. Missed 3rd quarter rev and eps. Lowered 4th quarter estimates, lowered next years estimates. Worse yet sales are in decline vs. last year, which means we are losing share. After 6 straight years of missed estimates I don't think the big institutions are going to give any more time to this management. Where do you think we will be in one, or worse 2, years from now under the leadership of E. Corasanti, J Corasanti and J. Darling? They are leading us right down the crapper. We have been in decline since G. Woodard left here. 97% of the outstanding shares are held by institutions and I bet they've had enough! Time for a change in ownership and fast. 10 institutions own close to 60% of the stock and they are not going to let this Board and this senior management lower the value of the number one asset in Conmed and further and that's Linvatec. Under any type of current management the value will be lower a year from now, and definitely 2 years from now, so I am sure they will push to move fast!

Over 25 in direct sales management and support got walking papers yesterday. Move was purely financial. If you can't sell you're way to EBIT, might as well slash your way there!