A. promotions
B. a new product (ha ha ha ha! ok, sorry couldn't contain myself!)
C. unemployment
D. even less job satisfacttion
Let's ask the Ophthalmology reps....or any of the thousands of other reps who got thrown out.
scary isn't it. Why don't they just fully integrate us and call us HIV reps. That's essentially what we are now. HCV is dead for years. The HIV side has soooo much promise!! That tivicay PI is a joke. The sky is the limit on how high we can bring Isentress!!! I'm excited. Plus, we have solid management steering the ship. Just be transparent on the reality in HCV. Its over (till 1st Qtr 2017).
scary isn't it. Why don't they just fully integrate us and call us HIV reps. That's essentially what we are now. HCV is dead for years. The HIV side has soooo much promise!! That tivicay PI is a joke. The sky is the limit on how high we can bring Isentress!!! I'm excited. Plus, we have solid management steering the ship. Just be transparent on the reality in HCV. Its over (till 1st Qtr 2017).
Let's put down the Merck kool-aid for a bit here. Isentress is BID and Tivicay is QD. Isentress has a low barrier to resistance, a real concern when the second dose is often missed by patients. Tivicay has a high barrier to resistance. Tivicay is a more potent drug than Isentress. In other words, prepare to lose all your business to us - we've already been told that patients and docs are going to switch. This means that you should be transparent on the reality that your HIV ship is going over the cliff (and for good). Adding more people to sell ISentress won't help. Lipstick on a pig. Its still a pig.
sorry....don't buy it!
But, thanks for trying.
You forget one thing here.....We are MERCK!!!
Yes! We have a long history of getting our asses kicked!
Zocor Rep
And a long history of FIRST-IN-CLASS Drugs!!! I rest my case.