What If St. Jude Medical Acquisition Doesn't Pan Out For Abbott?

First, there is no doubt that the timing of the bad news from SJM was terrible for Abbott. That being said, the acquisition compliments Abbott's portfolio and gets them into a space that they were not in before. Hopefully, for Abbott's sake they can 'right the ship' and move forward with positive news and mojo.

First, there is no doubt that the timing of the bad news from SJM was terrible for Abbott. That being said, the acquisition compliments Abbott's portfolio and gets them into a space that they were not in before. Hopefully, for Abbott's sake they can 'right the ship' and move forward with positive news and mojo.

Pretty legit statement.

I'm sure Abbott understood what was potentially coming in addition to the product advisory from last year - this year's 483 from the FDA. And I'm sure they got a full glimpse of what is in the R & D pipeline to see if there is a light at the end of the tunnel once they are out from underneath the 483. Only time will tell.

Did you imbeciles even read the article? It looks at the acquisition from strictly a financial standpoint if Abbott will be able to recover from the purchase, and doesn't once mention any of St. Jude's "issues" you all reference.

Did you imbeciles even read the article? It looks at the acquisition from strictly a financial standpoint if Abbott will be able to recover from the purchase, and doesn't once mention any of St. Jude's "issues" you all reference.

It takes a total douche bag to call people imbeciles for making what were fairly innocent and sensible statement.

So here you go genius.....

Let's look at this from a 'financial' standpoint.....

Didn't Abbott acquire SJM to compliment their product portfolio? And won't the additional product lines hopefully result in increased revenue? And, hopefully, at some point on their balance sheet the increased revenue will offset their outflow of cash and instead of being a debit will actually result in a +ROI and show up as a profit. And to the previous poster's points, ABT does not even have those revenue streams without taking the risk on SJM.

Also, doesn't the acquisition of SJM get Abbott into two entirely new Cardiology spaces (CRM and EP) and therefore provides them with 2 completely new revenue streams and again hopefully covers their investment?

Now, will it be a positive ROI? It takes many years to break even on acquisitions of this size so only time will tell.

Does that cover your 'financial' standpoint enough?

Merger was made in desperation as both orgs pipelines are weak. Light years behind others in key growth areas

From a device perspective, last in structural heart behind BSX, MDT, last in CRM in a declining market, no PCI stent in the pipeline, weak peripheral lines.

Merger was made in desperation as both orgs pipelines are weak. Light years behind others in key growth areas

From a device perspective, last in structural heart behind BSX, MDT, last in CRM in a declining market, no PCI stent in the pipeline, weak peripheral lines.

Has BIO overtaken SJM in the CRM market?