What if Driver's License is Lost?


Serious question here. I blacked out Sat afternoon driving home from the grocery. No alcohol drugs etc just something medical. I go for tests Monday. The police officer said that this can sometimes result in a loss of driving privelges for SIX MONTHS. I'm praying it isnt reported. Does anyone know anyone that's gone through this? How was it handled? Seriously afraid I'll lose my job.

Serious question here. I blacked out Sat afternoon driving home from the grocery. No alcohol drugs etc just something medical. I go for tests Monday. The police officer said that this can sometimes result in a loss of driving privelges for SIX MONTHS. I'm praying it isnt reported. Does anyone know anyone that's gone through this? How was it handled? Seriously afraid I'll lose my job.

WARNING- this is posted on both the Astellas and Merck boards. This is someone just looking for information so please only give him bogus answers using lots of sarcasm. (I know you guys would do that anyway)

WARNING- this is posted on both the Astellas and Merck boards. This is someone just looking for information so please only give him bogus answers using lots of sarcasm. (I know you guys would do that anyway)

I've worked for both companies asshole. I'm scared to death I'm gonna lose my job...single parent here. I don't need your help but if appreciate the advice of people who don't mind helping. You don't have to be such a jerk.

WARNING- this is posted on both the Astellas and Merck boards. This is someone just looking for information so please only give him bogus answers using lots of sarcasm. (I know you guys would do that anyway)

And yes that's right I'm only looking for information. I believe that's all I asked for jackass.

And yes that's right I'm only looking for information. I believe that's all I asked for jackass.

Sorry you're going through the problems and you have to ignore some of the people on here. Life online is just like life at our jobs, some of the worst douchebags are reps. Anyway, to answer your question, if you blackout in my state the DMV takes your license for six months and you get it back after passing a series of tests. I would imagine you are covered under your disability plan as long as you do everything that is asked of you in a timely manner you should be alright. Best of luck!

Personally.... I'd hire a driver. At Sunovion, my co worker had a seizure & his wife drove him around until he was cleared. He was HIGHLY respected for the way he handled it, and won Presidents Club that year !!

I've worked for both companies asshole. I'm scared to death I'm gonna lose my job...single parent here. I don't need your help but if appreciate the advice of people who don't mind helping. You don't have to be such a jerk.

I know who you are :) You certainly have bigger issues to worry about than this. Karma is a bitch!