What has Phil Frost, MD done to deserve an award of 20,000,000 stock options?


As a share holder of Opko stock I am disgusted that CEO Phil Frost, MD was recently(last November) granted 20mm shares of OPKO stock options. In the real world, an award of stock options are granted after milestones in share price, profitability and growth are achieved. The only thing this Grinch has done is get himself in trouble with the SEC, driven the shares off the Marianas Trench and is responsible for the all time low of employee morale.

He sits in his office all day yelling at management to take your shoes off while walking on the carpet in his office, now that’s definitely worth 20 million shares.

you mean hearse, agree totally, or the kind man would donate his profits to the University of Florida School of Management and send all of his management team back to get an education on how to manage a company properly