What happens to the employees when LC buys your company and closes you.


LC bought Pacific Physician s Lab in Lynnwood, 60 day notices went out. What will they offer? Will they want any of the employees? LC told the PPL they don't know what will happen and they are discovering new things everyday. The PPL owners don't acknowledge The people that made the company successful. Way to go TS, Myiles Stand and Jan Carbervey. Way to earn millions and screw to people who gave the sweat and blood. Bravo PPL owners and LC another lab down...another 200 unemployed honest workers.

LC bought Pacific Physician s Lab in Lynnwood, 60 day notices went out. What will they offer? Will they want any of the employees? LC told the PPL they don't know what will happen and they are discovering new things everyday. The PPL owners don't acknowledge The people that made the company successful. Way to go TS, Myiles Stand and Jan Carbervey. Way to earn millions and screw to people who gave the sweat and blood. Bravo PPL owners and LC another lab down...another 200 unemployed honest workers.

the problem is most smaller companies do not have a good exit strategy. The owners/investors want to get out and make some money, so they sell the company.Do you have a better idea?

LabCorp has made a virtual art form of buying these companies and eliminating any degree of duplicity leaving behind only what is essential. The result is they remove the reason the company existed in the first place and they end up losing a very large amount of business.

Repeat again and again.

the problem is most smaller companies do not have a good exit strategy. The owners/investors want to get out and make some money, so they sell the company.Do you have a better idea?

LabCorp has made a virtual art form of buying these companies and eliminating any degree of duplicity leaving behind only what is essential. The result is they remove the reason the company existed in the first place and they end up losing a very large amount of business.

Repeat again and again.

I understand options are very limited and money is to be made, what employees do not understand are the broken promises. They can and will accept, but up until a few weeks ago some were told not to worry. I appreciate your input, and understand the stance each company has taken. Wishing some honesty would be voiced too by the big dogs.

I understand options are very limited and money is to be made, what employees do not understand are the broken promises. They can and will accept, but up until a few weeks ago some were told not to worry. I appreciate your input, and understand the stance each company has taken. Wishing some honesty would be voiced too by the big dogs.

I suppose maybe you expected a bit of humanity from a smaller company that was so close. You considered one of the little people...unless you put money into it you don't matter. It is how busainess work. People do not open bussiness other to earn money from the bussiness. It is very rare to find a company that thinks of the employees in the end when money is involved.

I have seen over 6 large labs purchased by LCA.

All I can tell you is to sharpen up your Resume and get out immediately.

Stock up on KY, you are going to need it.

You might get protected for a year, if you are lucky. LabCorp has too many reps now.

Get out a.s.a.p.

Almost for sure, your lab will be closed amd staff laid off.
I've seen many many of these lab buys.

Whilew they think about oit and work out details of moving your work, you have about 3-6 months.

Do not believe anything any representative of LCA says about all is fine and you are protected.
Even an HR person.

They will want you to stay until details are worked out.

But in the end, soon, you are gone.

LCA doesn't want the people, the staff, the building
They want the accessions, period

and in the end, they will f### it up and lose the accessions.
LCA is the greatest company in the world to buy a company and in the end, lose money.

Over and over and over and over.

You will hear lots of promises about how valuable you all are, and how you will be offered a job. It may seem plausible at first......but once their pencils are sharpened, lab closures, layoffs and demoralization are to be expected.
Even if you kept your position, you will be very disappointed with how you earn your salary, the games that are played with your numbers, the lacjluster benefits, etc.
You would be best served by getting out now before all the nonsense begins. And it will begin, don't believe what you are told. We have all heard it, and those of us who stuck around to ride it out are very disappointed. Get out ASAP. You will never regret it. I am sorry your nice company was purchased.