What Happened?

The first wave of resignations are underway and many have been submitted.

it’s quiet now bc of counter offerings.

they’re gonna fight to keep the managers who just resigned this morning because it will look VERY bad for Eric, Damon and Todd.

So anyone whose resignation is ultimately announced, it’s only after lots of begging from Alkermes.

I’m just waiting for the rep openings so that I can leave this place.

Between this first wave and the one next month, 9-10 DBLs will leave. That is 25+% of psych mgrs... now if even 20% of TBMs leave that would be 65TBMs. If you think that's no big deal then, whatever...

Between this first wave and the one next month, 9-10 DBLs will leave. That is 25+% of psych mgrs... now if even 20% of TBMs leave that would be 65TBMs. If you think that's no big deal then, whatever...

Management by fear and threats ended up biting them in the ass. A true test of a company or individual is not how they act when things are good, but when times are trying or tough. They had plenty of opportunities to treat the sales force better, but if you ignore problems then they ultimately will lead to individuals moving on to companies that allow growth and where they are valued as employees. Alkermes is no longer a great place to work.

The first wave of resignations are underway and many have been submitted.

it’s quiet now bc of counter offerings.

they’re gonna fight to keep the managers who just resigned this morning because it will look VERY bad for Eric, Damon and Todd.

So anyone whose resignation is ultimately announced, it’s only after lots of begging from Alkermes.

I’m just waiting for the rep openings so that I can leave this place.
Countet Offers!!?? LOL! You're an idiot. No one accepts counter offers in this industry. So you get a little more money and are labeled a traitor and never advanced until you eventually quit anyway. Stop posting fool.