What happened to TOPA ASM ? TW?

Don't know the circumstances. Another one that sold his soul to Novartis only to have them chew it up and spit it out. A good man that lost sight of principle to advance. I feel bad for him, even though he was rude as shit to me after he got promoted and I know he made life hell for his reports.

TW is gone? Wow, that took long enough. As a rep he was a bore - and it blew my mind he was hired as a manager. I knew Oncology was on it's way down hill after he showed up here.

Wow, TW is gone? I bet the reps are jumping for joy!! I would have had to work for him I probably would have been suicidal!!

Well that might be an exaggeration - but it wouldn't be far from the truth. What a dunderhead micro mini minded Novartis puppet that couldn't think for himself. I swear I've never seen a dumber manager. I know he really ticked off his reps with frequency of ride a longs...it was and is managers like him that brought oncology down. JW is another micro mind even though she was voted manager of the year - it's managers like tw and jw that made oncology the mass market division it is.

Who cares. He never cared about anyone but self. The world and NVS are better places. He was demoted from District Manger in DFW and file stated he was to never manage again. He ended up in specialty and somehow became "like" a manager. He has been consistently disrespectful to everyone.
He is a smug little man. Well he was, maybe he is better..No he is what he is - a lower tier human with little man syndrome. He believed himself to be a dictator. He may not realize he has been deposed by the good people of his former village? A padded room without a view would be a good start for him/them. So many people inside that pointed little head. Close those doors.

Finally gone but NVS treated he and "his removal" better than he ever treated his reps. Where is he? That small world of Mental Mayberry - he is the only resident, sheriff, barber and gas station attendant today and tomorrow and the next.......enjoy