What happened to this company???


This used to be such a great place to work. Now, with RA at the helm (I know MB thinks he's running things but he is like a hen-pecked husband and she is relentless) it's a race to the bottom. Lady, you are so far out of your league, you can't even see your league. The turnover this year has got to be an all-time high. DAILY updates on forecast? RA is going to run off not only the TM's but the RSM's with her daily badgering and harassment. This place now stinks of desperation. If your territory is underperforming, prepare to be put on a PIP or flat-out fired come January. What a heartbreaker.

This used to be such a great place to work. Now, with RA at the helm (I know MB thinks he's running things but he is like a hen-pecked husband and she is relentless) it's a race to the bottom. Lady, you are so far out of your league, you can't even see your league. The turnover this year has got to be an all-time high. DAILY updates on forecast? RA is going to run off not only the TM's but the RSM's with her daily badgering and harassment. This place now stinks of desperation. If your territory is underperforming, prepare to be put on a PIP or flat-out fired come January. What a heartbreaker.

It all goes back to HL, the guy has 0 business sense! He is definitely a snake oil salesman! I’ll give him credit though, he has been able to dupe investors for 25+ years! Sadly it’s about to come to an end! ASP is down again, what new rebate flavor will BF come up with next? You can’t rebate yourself out of this mess! PDT maybe a great therapy but it’s just not super convenient and no one is going to die from an AK! With Medicare cutting payments again it’s a no win situation!!! The nail in the coffin is the Sun lawsuit! If I were you all I’d stop using your personal credit card for lunches and expenses… get a corporate card and put it on BF!

This used to be such a great place to work. Now, with RA at the helm (I know MB thinks he's running things but he is like a hen-pecked husband and she is relentless) it's a race to the bottom. Lady, you are so far out of your league, you can't even see your league. The turnover this year has got to be an all-time high. DAILY updates on forecast? RA is going to run off not only the TM's but the RSM's with her daily badgering and harassment. This place now stinks of desperation. If your territory is underperforming, prepare to be put on a PIP or flat-out fired come January. What a heartbreaker.
Heartbreaker? How long should reps be able to underperform? VERY few have been fired over performance so If that’s why they were fired, they deserved it. Let me guess, you’re being treated unfairly or you’re a victim of a high quota. News flash, that’s like everyone else at every other company. If her badgering is making you unhappy, leave. Why do you care how many people leave, it stinks of desperation. There are no prisoners here, the door is wide open. If you’re always complaining, you’ll complain everywhere. Good luck being a pain in the ass, underperforming rep somewhere else.

Heartbreaker? How long should reps be able to underperform? VERY few have been fired over performance so If that’s why they were fired, they deserved it. Let me guess, you’re being treated unfairly or you’re a victim of a high quota. News flash, that’s like everyone else at every other company. If her badgering is making you unhappy, leave. Why do you care how many people leave, it stinks of desperation. There are no prisoners here, the door is wide open. If you’re always complaining, you’ll complain everywhere. Good luck being a pain in the ass, underperforming rep somewhere else.

What do you mean underperform? You mean sell compliantly? We all know most TM’s in the NE and SE sell non-compliantly. Incentivizing sales with samples, talking about how much money they will make, selling off label etc! Everyone knows it happens. RA was the queen of it! That’s why there are bigger numbers coming out of the east! Then there are goals, yes they are not set fairly… look at the reps killing it… 4 out of 5 top reps have pathetic goals! A hamster could hit those goals! Really!

Heartbreaker? How long should reps be able to underperform? VERY few have been fired over performance so If that’s why they were fired, they deserved it. Let me guess, you’re being treated unfairly or you’re a victim of a high quota. News flash, that’s like everyone else at every other company. If her badgering is making you unhappy, leave. Why do you care how many people leave, it stinks of desperation. There are no prisoners here, the door is wide open. If you’re always complaining, you’ll complain everywhere. Good luck being a pain in the ass, underperforming rep somewhere else.

Heartbreaker? How long should reps be able to underperform? VERY few have been fired over performance so If that’s why they were fired, they deserved it. Let me guess, you’re being treated unfairly or you’re a victim of a high quota. News flash, that’s like everyone else at every other company. If her badgering is making you unhappy, leave. Why do you care how many people leave, it stinks of desperation. There are no prisoners here, the door is wide open. If you’re always complaining, you’ll complain everywhere. Good luck being a pain in the ass, underperforming rep somewhere else.

Yeah, the door is wide open and people are running out. Look at the turnover. If you aren't picking up on that little sign, you're more clueless than I thought. Thanks for the laugh, though.

Pretty telling when someone starts and 6 weeks later they quit! Nobody sticks around from corporate. People come to this company for 3 reasons. 1) they come to this company because they just got laid off or fired from a previous employer and need a job quick. 2) they are 40+ and big pharma won’t hire them. 3) this is just a landing pad till a better paying job arises. Biofrontera is not #1 on anyone’s list. It wasn’t on mine, it pays the bills till a good opportunity comes my way. Just buying my time.

Pretty telling when someone starts and 6 weeks later they quit! Nobody sticks around from corporate. People come to this company for 3 reasons. 1) they come to this company because they just got laid off or fired from a previous employer and need a job quick. 2) they are 40+ and big pharma won’t hire them. 3) this is just a landing pad till a better paying job arises. Biofrontera is not #1 on anyone’s list. It wasn’t on mine, it pays the bills till a good opportunity comes my way. Just buying my time.
We know who this is obviously. Good luck