What happened to this board?


It's so dead. I used to love coming here to be entertained! What happened to all the fun characters like Huge R Ection?? Ever since the buy out this board has become dead.

Hugh G. Rection rises again!

Yeah, baby. You can't keep me down. Ba-da-boom!!

AndroTurkey has two girlfriends now: the twins. Seriously. He is huge and sported a big blue wattle during mating season last May. He looks like a Mini Cooper with feathers.

Did you know that the erectile tissue on the superior aspect of the penis is called the corpus cavernosum, while the erectile tissue on the inferior aspect of the penis is called the corpus spongiosum?

Larnin' new stuff every day,

Hugh G. Rection

just give up on this board cause all the dumb ape district managers are getting laid off at the end of the year so nows they gonnas be working harder at garnering the support of their glorious leaders to save there asses and a few reps will be shipped off to their new abbott managers

Re: Hugh G. Rection rises again!

Yeah, baby. You can't keep me down. Ba-da-boom!!

AndroTurkey has two girlfriends now: the twins. Seriously. He is huge and sported a big blue wattle during mating season last May. He looks like a Mini Cooper with feathers.

Did you know that the erectile tissue on the superior aspect of the penis is called the corpus cavernosum, while the erectile tissue on the inferior aspect of the penis is called the corpus spongiosum?

Larnin' new stuff every day,

Hugh G. Rection

Hugie good to see you back. You are still with us!

just give up on this board cause all the dumb ape district managers are getting laid off at the end of the year so nows they gonnas be working harder at garnering the support of their glorious leaders to save there asses and a few reps will be shipped off to their new abbott managers

bla bla bla. We thought we were toast by the end of last year. Then we thought we were going on day 1. Nutin is going to happen. In the meantime Abbott got rid of reps and all Solvay of was not touched. We are at no bigger risk of getting the axe then we were when we were a stand alone company. Many people have left so pods have become smaller.