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What happened to the East? Conicelli needs to go!

oh come on, JS can't be that bad. He's better than the guy he replaced and could be worse. He's probably making you work.

The guy he replaced was a disaster (not SP, b4 that) and it was allowed to continue until the whole ATL was gone. Then, and only then, did the tough AD step in and make change (tough guy waited until it all was gone first). Corporate J is the man, those reps should def trust him with their life.

The East Coast is a disgrace! How many accounts are gone. Conicelli needs to go now!
CC will never quit and Meg will never fire him. He's too vain to see the damage he's done through his apathetic approach to management. At the same time he's too much of an ass kisser and she loves that. He'll have to be moved to another role if we ever hope to rid ourselves of him in the east.

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