What happened to Brian?


Brian and Dave are fishing somewhere on the east coast!

What a picture. I guess you search the Internet for pics of nude guys on the beach? I do NOT go nude on the beach, we did travel to Europe to visit my wife's sister who lives there and did go to a "topless beach". Funny how those who were topless definitely needed to NOT be topless. Gravity does take its toll.
I really have no idea who this person is who is gone.
For those who are interested, this latest hurricane (coming right on the heels of 8 days of a "Nor' Easter") really did some damage to the beaches and dunes with the erosion.

Personally, I'm glad he's gone - the guy was a real dope who was completely clueless about the business. He spent money like it grew on trees and tried to run the company like it was a manufacturing outfit. You cannot run a customer-service industry like a manufacturing plant. There are too many variables. The ROI for his efforts was neck-high in the red. Epic failure! The whole blackbelt initiative is/was a joke. I feel sorry for the next outfit that hires this clown.