I am gone but these are my thoughts up to a few weeks ago.
Marketing materials C: Actually pretty good for what the product has, (not much)
Studies to sell from: F (turned an overall pretty good sales force, not great, into straight marketers*)
Targeting: D- (The reps and a number of DM's told them the strategy was wrong and they wouldn't listen. The strongest reps wanted to go off the target lists early and were threatened with 'management by metrics' if we used our brain and did so.
Biggest bonehead direction from St. Louis was the 'you must use the iPad on every call, not that we are managing by metrics or micro managers or anything, but you must use it.
Open Communication from upper managers**: D, Hugh did acknowledge on a conference call that the launch was a failure and the blame is to be shared. Still the field was getting crushed and not the St. Louis folks.
DM Leadership: B (one of our best assets)
Getting revisions to market materials quickly: B (actually pretty good)
Pennsaid materials, samples, anything: D, it was abandoned on the road side
Keeping promises: Rankings, standings, etc = F
National leadership understanding our world? When your top leadership calls your only product a narcotic instead of a pain reliever or an opioid, there is a severe disconnect and ignorance level. It is as bad as a product manager miss pronouncing the chemical names of the competitor agents and thinking it is cute. CO-done. Any have decent sales rep knows you have to speak the language of your customers as they do in the customer's world.
Accountability and honesty: D-
Managed Care Overall: C+ (Every drug struggles out of the gate with MC, our folks did pretty well)
Listening to and accepting field intelligence & field input: D- Have no confidence in own people. (ZS must know more as they are paid more and are not MNK people)
Working to give us more tools: B, gave us a lot of them, several not needed or of poor quality, i.e. The Pharmacy Call to make sure they stocked it program and the Cover My Meds program have no value as did most of the mindless Video Programs; But they did keep trying to help solve the problems they heard about, give them credit, they threw 100's of thousands of dollars at the problem. The problem was simply at best a modest product .
*It is amazing how the sales force that sold $200's of millions of Exalgo with a single decent paper, The Hale study, suddenly lost it's sales skills and abilities. It is stunning how bad we became in a few months under naive 'leadership' wearing rose colored blinders.
** Above the DM level, with the exception of an RM or two, none are NOT leaders and only managers by title
I'm gone and found a better deal. Maybe it will improve for the friends I left behind.