what does RTBKPL stand for?

I seem to remember hearing it is some kind of inside joke that means, Return To Burger King Parking Lot. Really though who gives a shit. I've always gotten a kick out of the guy. Especially his ability to get under the skin of what I consider "the stupid people". Let's face it the guy's entertaining.

Return To Boyhood King Pooka Looka?
Raise The Boat Kiss Pussy Lice?
Regale The Brothers Kick Poopy Loudly?
Regard the Bonus Kicker Poorly Lament?
Richard Thatches Bookworms Kindly Posting Likability?

I seem to remember hearing it is some kind of inside joke that means, Return To Burger King Parking Lot. Really though who gives a shit. I've always gotten a kick out of the guy. Especially his ability to get under the skin of what I consider "the stupid people". Let's face it the guy's entertaining.

Does anyone know what the "inside" joke is. I'm sure its funny. Do tell.