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What does Novartis have against promoting men?


Every man I know rejected from position applied at Novartis. All went to women. I hear about some men getting promoted but they are chosen from top or have an in.

Human Resources is awful and lets face it hold no real decision making capability. promotions are not based on competencies or experience, rather gender.

Similar situation in other pharma companies.

Every man I know rejected from position applied at Novartis. All went to women. I hear about some men getting promoted but they are chosen from top or have an in.

Human Resources is awful and lets face it hold no real decision making capability. promotions are not based on competencies or experience, rather gender.

Similar situation in other pharma companies.

US CDMA announced promotions last week. 1/4th were men....

I work for another major pharma company. It’s happened our company too,
We ate heavy, heavy, heavy on female promotions.
It’s so bad that the sales force & DMs cringe because the most qualified people are t getting promotions or awards.
Minority females are identified & promoted with less than 2 years of experience. If they can speak clearly & half way present well then they’re promoted whether their sales sucked or not

I also notice that there are not many, or maybe there are not any, African American or Hispanic men in roles like Executive Director or Vice President. Is that because there are not any qualified?

I also notice that there are not many, or maybe there are not any, African American or Hispanic men in roles like Executive Director or Vice President. Is that because there are not any qualified?

rare to see minority men in leadership roles. But they exist. I don’t see them helping other minority men. I guess that is part of the problem.
Don’t matter in current environment..it about getting more females in leadership roles. Female leadership is needed but should not be forced

rare to see minority men in leadership roles. But they exist. I don’t see them helping other minority men. I guess that is part of the problem.
Don’t matter in current environment..it about getting more females in leadership roles. Female leadership is needed but should not be forced

Agree that we don’t see many minority men in executive leadership positions. I have seen several in director roles, but have to admit that I don’t know of any in executive leadership roles except for D&I. I guess I’m not sure what them helping other minority men would even look like to be honest. It seems like the help should be coming from all of the majority males and females that are holding the executive leadership roles.

I also agree that female leadership is needed but should not be forced. I have seen some that are very uncomfortable in their roles. Probably because they are not ready, and they end up either underperforming or leaning on others to get the job done.

Novartis is over the top woke- All top positions around D&I, which is now a cottage industry are held by women and some AA men. If they have a pulse, they are in and very highly paid so the window dressing is attractive. Where in the rank and file are the minorities? It's all a show. I have seen many white males excluded, not granted interviewed, interviewed and not given positions that were clearly qualified for and were the best choice. Even to the point of getting passed up by an external bc they want the "right" race, etc. per the equality efforts. One day, this will catch up because at some point the intellect of the executives will be so shallow the company will suffer. Then the D& I cottage industry network kicks in and they show up at a new pharma and the cycle starts allover.

Dude get over yourself. Want to be promoted ? Dress for success

nice pair of pantyhose, those gels bags to put in your bra, a mid calf dress and *VOILA***

a high potential transgender leader

remember the best woman is a man !

Interesting turn that this thread has taken. Original question was about why not men. Have seen enough at Novartis for this to be valid. Next question was about the notable omission of AA and Hispanic men in executive roles. Again have seen enough here at Novartis for this to be valid. This does make me wonder if there are not any minority men who are qualified or are the women so focused on looking for other women to promote, that no one even notices that no one is selecting minority males. As for white males being passed over, have seen enough at Novartis for this to be true as well, but unfortunately there are still several white males in executive roles so this isn’t as glaring as the omission of minority males in not being in or promoted into executive roles. I do think it is dangerous to have too much of anything in any situation. It just appears that maybe Novartis is trading in the good ole boys club for the ladies auxiliary. And have for sure seen some promoted into executive roles who are not ready. May be qualified on paper but not ready for the roles.

Every man I know rejected from position applied at Novartis. All went to women. I hear about some men getting promoted but they are chosen from top or have an in.

Human Resources is awful and lets face it hold no real decision making capability. promotions are not based on competencies or experience, rather gender.

Similar situation in other pharma companies.

CRY ME A RIVER. Since the inception of pharma women have been passed over and incompetent dudes have been promoted. Tables are turning. All incompetent individuals, regardless of gender, should have equal opportunities to have jobs they aren’t qualified for lol

CRY ME A RIVER. Since the inception of pharma women have been passed over and incompetent dudes have been promoted. Tables are turning. All incompetent individuals, regardless of gender, should have equal opportunities to have jobs they aren’t qualified for lol
LOL dudes? classy

CRY ME A RIVER. Since the inception of pharma women have been passed over and incompetent dudes have been promoted. Tables are turning. All incompetent individuals, regardless of gender, should have equal opportunities to have jobs they aren’t qualified for lol
If you really work at this awful company, you should ashamed and be fired! Because you admit that the company is now discriminating v. men aka as "dudes" because men controlled everything and mistreated women!?