Now that it's been a few years since we bought you, just curious as to what you guys think of AZ and how has it affected your jobs at Medi and overall outlook for the future?
It was the beginning of OUR end. AZ is a demonic company run by pure demons from hell.
quite funny, AZ has no pipeline and you think that by cutting Medi will help you..?
AZ has 50K+ people Medi will need to hold up the next couple years...that's alot of dead weight.
what pipeline does Medi have? (this is a genuine question not a rhetorical one so serious answers please)
Now that it's been a few years since we bought you, just curious as to what you guys think of AZ and how has it affected your jobs at Medi and overall outlook for the future?
and what have Medimmune launched in recent years?
There is as much 'terror' in research as there is across the entire MedOrg (BJ if you know what I mean). Push 'anything' through is the mantra - hence, unless someone in either the IMED or the PDC has the guts - the candidates will be pushed through to development. Once in development, no one is willing to 'kill' an effort. Hence, smoke and mirrors continues across the product lifecycle. Only problem - nothing will ever be approved to market. Remember that disaster MOTA......................
Do you think there is terror/fear in the MedOrg? Terror in Medi's R&D group? If you answer honestly, then ask (and answer) these questions; how did it get to such a state, why has the situation been allowed to continue and who is responsible.
AZ will soon merge Medi into their structure. Surprised it hasn't happened a long time ago. The new CEO is swinging his ax! Get ready!