I fornicated with a hot young babe on backpage, had a steak lunch, saw no docs put in 9. Life is good at this dump. Manana is another do nothing day, thanks for the free ride suckas!!!
Since I have 2 pharma jobs, and don't work more than 10 hrs per month on both, I manage to drive around, visit friends, and do Meals on Wheels every other month.
Next month I will catch some Spring Training baseball in Florida.
Occasionally, I catch a movie, but I also spend time entering calls, and making sure there are no mix ups. I also spend a lot of time at home. I plan to learn to play golf better as well!
Thanks for sharing your dicked up nonsense, why not just start a gossip column. Any douche can and does cheat, we don't need self gratification by regugitating every stupid bit of minutia about boning the man. Grow up youdouche.
C'mon now Amos! Aren't you really the "back pocket turd" person? Really, now aren't you?
And by the way, watch your run- on sentences. Your grammar is very poor.
Dude, I do believe the last poster hit a nerve. Why do you feel the need to brag about your supposed double dipping exploits? Peoplw who do illegal activities keep it private knowing they will get caught by shooting off their mouth. You are basically a lying, insecure, failure who only wishes they had the balls to break the rules. I am positive you are a very lonely isolated little puke crying out for attention. We really don't care what you do or say you do. You are pathetic and a true moron in every sense of the word.
Dude, I do believe the last poster hit a nerve. Why do you feel the need to brag about your supposed double dipping exploits? Peoplw who do illegal activities keep it private knowing they will get caught by shooting off their mouth. You are basically a lying, insecure, failure who only wishes they had the balls to break the rules. I am positive you are a very lonely isolated little puke crying out for attention. We really don't care what you do or say you do. You are pathetic and a true moron in every sense of the word.
Since I have 2 pharma jobs, and don't work more than 10 hrs per month on both, I manage to drive around, visit friends, and do Meals on Wheels every other month.
Next month I will catch some Spring Training baseball in Florida.
Occasionally, I catch a movie, but I also spend time entering calls, and making sure there are no mix ups. I also spend a lot of time at home. I plan to learn to play golf better as well!
Since I was number 1 regional performer late 2007 and Watson terminated me in 2008, I have been retraining in another field of endeavor. In the interim, my savings were depleted, took a major tax penalty for needing to cash in the IRA to survive, and have taken part in several posts on these sites warning anyone desperate enough to interview with this company what they are in for if they are unfortunate enough to be hired. But I have been working....at any crap job I can find to get by until my retraining is completed.
Good luck to all you who are paying back the company for all the malevolence they have perpetrated in misstreating their sales representatives. And to M.C., Semper F. U.
Since I was number 1 regional performer late 2007 and Watson terminated me in 2008, I have been retraining in another field of endeavor. In the interim, my savings were depleted, took a major tax penalty for needing to cash in the IRA to survive, and have taken part in several posts on these sites warning anyone desperate enough to interview with this company what they are in for if they are unfortunate enough to be hired. But I have been working....at any crap job I can find to get by until my retraining is completed.
Good luck to all you who are paying back the company for all the malevolence they have perpetrated in misstreating their sales representatives. And to M.C., Semper F. U.
Back in town now. Really enjoyed my time in Florida, and seeing 3 spring training facilities!
Didn't make any calls today for either job. Haven't worked either job in over a week! Tomorrow I will try to make a call for each pharma job! Geography close.