What do I do if laid off?

Good question...I was wondering the same, should I sign the papers? I'd be game for a class action lawsuit.

And yes, I plan to OCCUPY AMGEN regardless of whether or not I'm RIF'd.

If you have knowledge of anything of questionable legality, with regard to the FDA or anything else, document it and take it with you. You might be able to mount a whistleblower lawsuit and make a couple of $million off of them.

My understanding is that you sign a document not to sue them and then they give you you severance if you sign. Whistleblowers are one thing, but does the regular schmuck just sign and shaddup?

You might be able to get 60 days severance without signing anything since they violated the WARN act, but you would be giving up anything they offered in excess of the 60 days. It would probably be wise to consult an attorney first, but also expensive.

The papers basically say that you won't sue them or badmouth them or ever work for them again. I think I'll probably sign them if I get RIFed tomorrow.

Take the money and run, if u have something on them then don't contact a lawyer, but it better be good, sign or no sign u are already black listed and u can never come back!

You might be able to get 60 days severance without signing anything since they violated the WARN act, but you would be giving up anything they offered in excess of the 60 days. It would probably be wise to consult an attorney first, but also expensive.

The papers basically say that you won't sue them or badmouth them or ever work for them again. I think I'll probably sign them if I get RIFed tomorrow.

This was good to know. Thanks

If you have knowledge of anything of questionable legality, with regard to the FDA or anything else, document it and take it with you. You might be able to mount a whistleblower lawsuit and make a couple of $million off of them.

Here is an article from the Santa Barbara paper on the shenanigans that have gone on with Procrit and EPO, and the whistleblowers who brought then out.


Kevin got his. Now you get yours.