What do CRM’s actually do?


I’m currently interviewing for a Therapeutic Area Manager position at Genentech. I can’t get a handle on what a CRM position does? The company I am currently with, the equivalent of a TAM, does all of it. I don’t see a need for an extra person in the CRM position. Am I missing something?


CRM position here is simply redundancy. It is a group of people with weird entitled attitudes, for some odd reason. Many of them came from the TAM positions, and feel they were “promoted”. They actually have far less responsibility than the Therapeutic Area Managers. Most are very insecure, and insert themselves in TAM business areas that they have no business being in. I imagine they will eliminate them soon.

The CRM may have fit into the old business model but this is the biggest snowball job within Genentech.

Please dear Lord- allow the HED/HDs to gain the wisdom to finally see the light and get rid of these positions.

Funny thing is, most CRM’s view themselves as higher on the Org Chart than the Therapeutic Area Managers. Perhaps someone should tell them they work for the TAM’s, not the other way around. They are non essential and serve as a support role as needed, which is basically never. As other poster stated, please eliminate this waste of resources.

Creative move to get rid of useless CRM’s. So now this arrogant patronizing group can believe they are even more important prior to the door hitting them in the back on the way out. I am amazed they are keeping them until January, but kudos for a creative way to get rid of them. Let the hunger games begin.

Answer to original question:

CRM’s are talented at kissing up to HD’s and HED’s. They basically do nothing other than waste everyone’s time. Patient Navigators and Therapeutic Area Managers are the only essential employees. You want to save money, cut them loose and keep them out of the offices interfering with relationships.

Most of the experienced HD’s know that the CRM’s are basically not needed as the TAM’s have a much better understanding of their disease states and individual franchises. This is a position that is simply supportive as needed, with the exception of a handful of lazy TAM’s that delegate everything to them to avoid having to handle it themselves. HD’s know that CRM’s are dispensable, and also that we already have too many FRM’s. Now in their infinite wisdom they are changing the CRM title to FRM. Ever hear of putting lipstick on a pig? Hopefully they will scale back to one or two FRM per ecosystem, and reduce expenses and interference in our accounts.

Answer: CRM’s do nothing. FRM’s do very little. Both feel they actually generate revenue, which is laughable. They have a sense of self importance that is nauseating. Most egotistical group I have ever been around.

Most CRM’s have been merged into FRM’s. Neither one of these positions generate any revenue. Mostly arse kissing up to HD’s and HED’s to earn awards. Easily replaced and best position for cutting costs to eliminate. Best part is they pretend they are very busy, and set up worthless calls to job justify.