What diversity at Genentech looks like...


The vision of diversity at Genentech in this new world: Kate R's management team!!

You ready for it? Requirements:

A bunch of women within +/- 5 year of Kate's age
Must dress like Kate
Must look like Kate
Must have worked with Kate, preferably in RA
Must not let anyone know that she NEVER knows anything about the business

Disgusting! And the company speaks about D&I?? A joke!

The vision of diversity at Genentech in this new world: Kate R's management team!!

You ready for it? Requirements:

A bunch of women within +/- 5 year of Kate's age
Must dress like Kate
Must look like Kate
Must have worked with Kate, preferably in RA
Must not let anyone know that she NEVER knows anything about the business

Disgusting! And the company speaks about D&I?? A joke!

HILARIOUS!! So true.

This company hates minorities. Almost no non-white executives at the very top. White people rule this company. The coloreds get hired at the bottom to make the D&I numbers look half palatable.

When these so-called leaders spend more time trying to look smarter than the people who are actually doing the jobs, they stop listening. When some of the field people who looked like they were going to question and challenge them in this BS scheme, they got rid of all of them. Wrong mindset, you are out! Why did they feel so threatened by the "mindset" that is different than theirs? Isn't that what diversity is all about? Isn't that what great leaders want? Instead, they kept the water boys, snakes, the dumb and dumber so that they can look intellectual. Let's face it. what we had was not sustainable. Too many people and too few viable products to sell. If they could just be honest about the cuts and kept the smart people, this company might actually have a chance to make a come-back. Sadly the leadership we have now is bringing the final chapter of this company as we speak.

This company hates minorities. Almost no non-white executives at the very top. White people rule this company. The coloreds get hired at the bottom to make the D&I numbers look half palatable.

You should leave immediately if you feel this way. You are simply a bitter loser looking for excuses for your failures. Why would you stay here if you hate it so much? We aren’t buying what your selling.

You should leave immediately if you feel this way. You are simply a bitter loser looking for excuses for your failures. Why would you stay here if you hate it so much? We aren’t buying what your selling.

Age should leave because she has a BRAIN!
Very few if those left

No room after we are done talking about mindset

This company hates minorities. Almost no non-white executives at the very top. White people rule this company. The coloreds get hired at the bottom to make the D&I numbers look half palatable.
Totally untrue. Superior candidate just passed over for D&I hire previously rejected for same team in different territory. Effects of this poor decision will ripple for a long time and leaders have no clue