What did we learn from Biogen’s CMS slapdown? Data rule – Endpoints News


What did we learn from Biogen’s CMS slapdown? Data rule – Endpoints News

What did we learn from Biogen's CMS slapdown? Data rule

The CMS decision to formally restrict coverage on Aduhelm decisively hammered home the last nail on the Alzheimer’s drug’s commercial coffin. But the muted impact on Biogen’s beaten-down stock was ready evidence that investors had already walked away from the grave.

Shunned by independent experts and a whole swath of physicians who treat Alzheimer’s, longtime skeptic Brian Skorney at Baird now calls the Biogen drug Zombiehelm. And no manner of necromancy can revive it. The first approved drug for Alzheimer’s, what was always considered the Golden Ticket in drug R&D with a multibillion-dollar payout, is commercial waste.

Now that that issue is out of the way, though, there’s a whole new set of questions for the sector, which has largely created nothing but wreckage for more than a decade.
