What company is Novartis gonna buy next?


good joke, nevertheless the situation is serious. The innovative late-stage pipeline is not so promising. Many me too and mode of actions, that already failed in competitor trials, sometimes decades before... e.g. b-cells and plasma cells targeting compound in Lupus, Sjoegren etc.

good joke, nevertheless the situation is serious. The innovative late-stage pipeline is not so promising. Many me too and mode of actions, that already failed in competitor trials, sometimes decades before... e.g. b-cells and plasma cells targeting compound in Lupus, Sjoegren etc.

Novartis and “innovative” pipeline…ha! It stopped being innovative years ago and now it’s a fire sale of assets to prepare the organization for a major acquisition or merger.

Novartis and “innovative” pipeline…ha! It stopped being innovative years ago and now it’s a fire sale of assets to prepare the organization for a major acquisition or merger.
We could only hope for a major acquisition or merger. Any other company’s culture merged with ours would be an improvement.

Novartis and “innovative” pipeline…ha! It stopped being innovative years ago and now it’s a fire sale of assets to prepare the organization for a major acquisition or merger.

All we hear is Record sales, Record profits, therefore the "leadership" seems to have lost their connection to reality. Anyway, they will leave with a golden parachute.

What about BMS? Great fresh complementary products in heartfailure, psoriasis and oncology. But they are US and would buy Novartis not vice versa!

BMY is currently suffering, share price around 51 US$...they could learn from NVS how to manage expectations regarding products that need longer to help their potential patients